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Who else thinks social media like text message, facebook, etc is going to increase social anixety in people? - Printable Version

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Who else thinks social media like text message, facebook, etc is going to increase social anixety in people? - Ellie Marieee :) - 10-12-2012 08:17 AM

Strange experience, but more of an observation that made me realize that obviously everything these days is about technology, everyone has a smart phone, laptop, whatever and we like to text people cause its more convenient and less awkward than calling people in person. But I was talking to a friend from high school on facebook chat, and the conversation was good, he kept making Smile Tongue, !, Big Grin icons when chatting and I suggested we should hang out at college campus sometime since we both go to the same school (we're not close friends, more like acquittance's but we wanted to know each other more)

anyways, when we meet it was so awkward! i started the conversation by talking about small things and he wouldn't respond or sometimes acted like he wanted to be somewhere else, and just completely not like in facebook.

My professor also made a good point that people are so use to enganging in text messaging each other, that when it comes to actual face to face conversations, we fail.

- HLK :) - 10-12-2012 08:25 AM

I completely agree with you and your professor!

People these days are so used to forming relationships sitting bravely behind a gadget screen that when it comes to actual face to face interaction they simply dont know how to cope.

Oh and believe its only going to get worse. Children as young as 10 with facebook accounts, Blackberry messenger etc. All that time theyre spending tapping away at a screen with virtual friends they are missing out on vital human interaction.
When i was younger, to make friends you had to throw yourself out there and use your personality and friendliness to make friends, these days people dont care about actual real friends as long as they can be nosey to people they dont even really like on Facebook, or whatever other sites they use.

- Colby - 10-12-2012 08:25 AM

I agree with this with all these interactions from texting, messaging ,email etc. makes actual conversations in person more difficult for people who are so used to just typing