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Do conservatives actually believe that millions of women have 3rd trimester abortions? - Printable Version

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Do conservatives actually believe that millions of women have 3rd trimester abortions? - Crocoduck - 03-26-2013 07:43 PM

It's not uncommon for right wingers to post and picket with graphic photos of fully formed human babies, as if that's what an abortion is. It's shocking but it's not the truth at all... not even close.

Common sense alone ought to indicate that no normal woman would ever have a 3rd trimester abortion, with or without a law against it... unless, of course, there are serious complications that endanger the woman's life, it's a stillbirth, or something else like that.

Do these people just believe whatever they hear, without ever thinking whether it makes any sense or not? Or are they just knowingly misrepresenting what an abortion actually is, in an attempt to persuade others over to their side?

Common sense alone ought to tell you that women don't just abort a fully formed human baby, but I suppose I should post a source link the right wingers can't argue with. Even Fox News admits that 99.99% of all abortions happen in the first 2 trimesters. The 100 a year 3rd trimester abortions that actually do happen are probably mostly stillbirths, complications that threaten the mother's life, and similar situations.,2933,880,00.html
@Welfare for all - I suppose you're right that a stillbirth might not be considered an abortion, however, the remaining 100 3rd trimester abortions a year are still probably related to complications that threaten the mother's life and other real medical reasons.

- Britnayyyy - 03-26-2013 07:51 PM

Um, i wouldn't be surprised if it did happen. Didn't Obama vote to kill babies AFTER they were born?

- Todd - 03-26-2013 07:51 PM

An egg is alive. A sperm is alive. Thats where life starts.

- eagerhealth027 - 03-26-2013 07:51 PM

Do liberals believe that the millions of abortions done each year are do to rape, incest and for the safety of the mother? Or are they willing to accept the fact that 99% are because the mother had no self control of her urges and is now too lazy, selfish and irresponsible to accept the consequences for the CHOICE she made before conception?

- welfare for all - 03-26-2013 07:51 PM

according to your link 100 3rd trimester abortions are performed each year.

so your claim that " It's shocking but it's not the truth at all", and " no normal woman would ever have a 3rd trimester abortion" is false.

and a stillbirth does not count as abortion. maybe you should look up what stillbirth is.

- pdooma - 03-26-2013 07:51 PM

Dr. LeRoy Carhart. One of the few late term abortion doctors in the country is here.

You know a baby is viable at the end of the second trimester, right?

- Blawr - 03-26-2013 07:51 PM

No. But I do know that almost two billion human lives have been denied to exist.

- sailorbeavis - 03-26-2013 07:51 PM

In my experience, yes, many of them do parrot back whatever the "right to life coalition" tells them. Those photos and graphic displays are simply to get media attention, and guess what -- it works! You're talking about the shock tactics, and that's what they want. They don't want a rational, honest, all-inclusive discussion of the issue. It is how the right wing of American politics has monopolized social discourse since the end of WWII.

For some in the religious community it really IS about principle. I know a pastor who opposes war, who opposes abortion, who opposes the death penalty, is pro-disarmament, anti-nuclear power, and also is a registered Democrat. He believes God put us on this earth to take care of it and to love each other, not kill each other and destroy it! Such a novel concept.

I am anti-abortion, but I can't side with the so-called "pro-life" arguments either, because the same right-wing philosophy that seeks to paint women as "lazy" with such a broad brush also has no problem painting minorities as lazy, or "inferior" somehow. It also totally glosses over the fact that it takes a man to make a baby too, and has no problem letting him off the hook for not keeping it in his pants. I grew up in a conservative household and not once did anybody say, "Beavis, now here's what happened in the Garden of Eden, and because of that, men can't ever make rational decisions again and women will always be sluts."

So I'm left with the position that "Yes, abortion is a really, really bad thing, but who is best left to make the choice about their lives and their bodies? Yeah, that's probably the woman and her family.