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Is it true you can tell who is looking at your Facebook? - Printable Version

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Is it true you can tell who is looking at your Facebook? - Katherine - 03-26-2013 08:22 PM

I know the stalker apps usually don't work and/or give you virus' but I was talking to a friend about wanting to see you looks at my facebook wall and he said that the first people listed on your chat bar are the people who look the most. Is this true?

- smackem123456 - 03-26-2013 08:30 PM

Dont ever click those things unless its a built in app with facebook the answer is no.. if you allow an external app to view your lists and such things then yes potentially they can but then your at risk . But really who cares just dont click on those adds in peoples comments and youll be safe the more you click and use the more vulnerable you are

- Levi - 03-26-2013 08:30 PM

the Priviicy act means that that would be illgal, so stop being such a dumb idiot, and dont clikc on the virus infested link!!!!!

- kyle - 03-26-2013 08:30 PM

No, they are full of viruses.

- ashley - 03-26-2013 08:30 PM

i don't think that's true. they always say there's never going to be an app to let you see who views your profile. i still get sketched out about it sometimes though lol. and as far the people on your chat bar, on mine it seems like it's the people that i interact with most and whose profiles i look at the most.

- Rebecca - 03-26-2013 08:30 PM

The apps dont work but after a little whie i figured out how to easily do it!
(this genuinly works, dont believe me? TRY IT)

Step 1, go on a randoms friends' profile and right click
Step 2, click 'view source'
Step 3, do 'ctrl f' and a little box should appear.
Step 4, in that box type 'orderedfriends' (no spaces or quotations) and press enter (or whatever it tells you to do to continue.. e.g "click next" - cant remember exactly what it said lol.
Step 5, a long list of numbers will appear but separated by quotation marks.. (i think they are in red..)
Step 6, copy the first row of numbers in the first set of quotation marks (dont include the quotation marks when you copy it..)
Step 7, type " (and paste the number here)
for example, lets say the first row of numbers was "123456789"
You would type in your search bar ....
now click enter..
trust me it works..
(not based on interactions, just how many times they view your wall)