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In Facebook, is there a way to embed a 'linked' e-mail address into photo descriptions? - Printable Version

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In Facebook, is there a way to embed a 'linked' e-mail address into photo descriptions? - Authorized - 03-26-2013 09:20 PM

I would like viewers of my photos on Facebook to be able to read my description of the photo and then be able to click on my e-mail address (also in the photo description) and have it automatically open their e-mail program. Right now, when I put my e-mail address into the photo description, it only shows up as regular non-linked text. I've seen linked URLs in photo descriptions, but can't make e-mail addresses work. Thanks.

- Cry Baby Obama - 03-26-2013 09:28 PM

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How to Edit Picture Tags
X Stephen LilleyStephen Lilley is a freelance writer who hopes to one day make a career writing for film and television. His articles have appeared on a variety of websites. Lilley holds a Bachelor of Arts in film and video production from the University of Toledo in Ohio.
By Stephen Lilley, eHow Contributor

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Edit Your PicturesEdit PDF Picture tags are pieces of information that are similar in concept to the tags on an audio or video file. Instead of displaying artist and album information, picture tags display the name of the person who took the picture, the name of the people in the picture, what type of equipment was used to take the picture and more. Just like with audio or video tags, picture tags can be viewed and edited using Windows Explorer.


Right-click the picture file that has tags that you want to edit.

Click "Properties."

Click "Details."

Click inside the listing for a tag to edit it. Clicking inside the listing (for example, "Date Taken") will make it possible to type inside that box using your keyboard. Use your keyboard to type the appropriate information into the box.

Click "OK" when you're done editing your picture tags to save this information onto the memory of the file.

Read more: How to Edit Picture Tags |