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How would one avoid getting viruses from Facebook? - Printable Version

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How would one avoid getting viruses from Facebook? - S-Jones - 03-26-2013 11:14 PM

I have an anti virus program and multiple malware scanners. I also have windows firewall

- Billie - 03-26-2013 11:22 PM

There's virus in facebook? For real? What type?

- EgoEggMan - 03-26-2013 11:22 PM

Wear a condom...facebook is like the whore of the internet, everybody uses it. Be sure to use protection when logging in.

- Nik - 03-26-2013 11:22 PM

Don't trust shared links....
For example if the link is from youtube then it's ok but if it's a website you don't know then it's not ok....
Facebook is full of viruses if you don't know what you are doing..
Viruses spread in facebook like they do in emails....
Most people visit every piece of trash their friends share with them and then when they scan for viruses, they are like omg why do i have viruses i only visit facebook and youtube -_-

- Jonathan - 03-26-2013 11:22 PM

lol... your a retard.. facebook has no viruses.....unless someone posts a link in which is a virus.. which is unlikely because facebook would remove it...
I hate retards like you who don't like browsing the web because "OH IM GONNA GET A VIRUS?!?!!1!111onne!1!!!one"
gtfo noob

- Hot Chick - 03-26-2013 11:22 PM

Facebook is rampant with Cybercrime
and is only getting worse as more people start using it
And this is old news:

The most current scam is Firesheep which is a Firefox addon that anyone can install in their Firefox browser, & use it to hack into other Facebook accounts
The addon was actually developed with good intentions - to show how insecure facebook is, & force the developers of facebook to secure their site a little better.

To show you how easy it is to Hack into your facebook account, you can install the addon here

There is a way to find out if someone is using Firesheep to try to hack into your facebook account, or any insecure account for that matter. It is called BlackSheep
This will not work on Internet Explorer, you have to be using Firefox.

- Tado - 03-26-2013 11:22 PM

try installing norton internet security 2011 with its facebook scanner profile.
that way you wont be able to worry about it anymore.

- Computer Tech - 03-26-2013 11:22 PM

I don't think face book has viruses. It's just the pop-ups and free offer scams you click on. Just be careful what you click on. Also so run malwarebytes scan often.