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I need relationship advice!? - Sara - 03-27-2013 02:20 AM

I've been dating my boyfriend for just over 7 months now. It was amazing at first but now I feel like I'm at the bottom of his 'things to give a **** about' list. He insults me a lot. I know he's kidding, I pretend I don't care but I do. He won't text me back for literally hours but then I'll see him update his Twitter/Facebook. And the last few times we have hung out it has been because of me. He never asks me to hang out anymore. He just doesn't seem all that into it anymore. There are times where he treats me like a princess but there are times, such as now where I'll be crying over him. I, with the self esteem I have, need someone to show they love me all the time and not just when they please. I know I should leave him, I know I deserve better but I can't find the courage in me to do it. I just feel like he has lost interest. Am I over reacting? Or should I leave him? Advice?

- Katie - 03-27-2013 02:28 AM

move on

- White Raven - 03-27-2013 02:28 AM

You said it yourself: you know what you should do. I know it's hard building up the courage, but if you don't, it's just going to be more of the same until you're so unhappy you can't stand it. And I'm sure if you do leave, he'll try to get you back by changing temporarily, but once he's sure you're back, he'll do this again. Maybe remembering that will help you get up the courage to do what you know is right. Maybe talking to your friends who understand you will help as well, as they know what you're going through and also want what's best for you. I think you can do it, and I wish you luck.

- teeny-tinybrother009 - 03-27-2013 02:28 AM

Hmmm... I think you just need to ask him to be a little more considerate with his words and ask to hang out more. I don't think the phone thing should be something to get upset about. I tend to take a while to text people back but that's just because I'm not into using a phone to communicate with people. Just talk about that insulting and the attention you need. If he can't give you what you need, then the relationship might have to end. Compromise is what you guys need.

- Carrie - 03-27-2013 02:28 AM


- Aliness - 03-27-2013 02:28 AM

hey u know u shud leave him so y are u holding on???? u are nt over reacting coz his treating you like garbbage. move on

- Terry - 03-27-2013 02:28 AM

Dear Sara.,
Allow me to start by saying hello,
Now it is in my view form what you explained here that your so called ' boyfriend ' does in no way at all know how to treat a lady. An i will use your examples
1 - he puts you on the bottom of his --- about list. that in itself is so wrong . I know that we all have different priorites in our lives an we all give those priorities attention [ some more than others] .
But that in no way means that you should or deserve to be at the bottom of anyones list period.
2 - With regards to him not responding to your texts for hrs . How does he know that your not texting
hin because there is an emergency or something serious? Or for something as simple but loving as
I love you?

As you have spoken about your self esteem being low etc. And the need to be 'shown someone loves you is totally understandable. For myself sara, actions mean far more than words by far any day. Loving another is not about someones time frame. Or whether or not they feel like it, Yes, sara, we all have days we dont feel like the effort vor even the words. Sometimes we just want to be left alone an have some ' me time '

Yet his in actions speakv very loudly an here is what i see
1 - something is bothering him an he wont or cant talk to you about it
2 - he really isnt that into you an is bored. [ guys get like this unfortunatley sara]
3 If the times he treats you like this out weigh the times he treats you like a ' princess ' then i would suggest yoiu take a few steps back an ask yourself is he worth it? Because sara, as a women , i know you are worth an deservre far better treatment .
4- as a guy he apparently is very insensitive [ this is normal to] to your needs an wants] have you told him of either?
5 - Have you tried talking to him or asking him what the matter is? Or why he is treating you like this?
6 - If you are having problems finding the courage allow me to suggest something here ok?
- Is it out of fear or low self esteem?
1- have a trusted friend go for coffee with you an discuss this issue with him/ her. And if after some serious thought ask them for help in getting away from him.
2 - have you thought about personnal councilling?
That my dear sara is what i can offer for now without knowing more , best of luck an please remember there is someone who will show you whatt real an honest love is about