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How can I advertise my website e? - Printable Version

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How can I advertise my website e? - jakeangell - 03-27-2013 08:01 AM

How can I get my website out there? I run a small Proofreading and Typing service, I have bought ads on facebook and google ad words. Is there a way to get it out there more easily? Don't really want to spend any more money doing it. But any suggestions will help. The site is

- Matt Smith - 03-27-2013 08:09 AM

You just did......

- Scott Halverson - 03-27-2013 08:09 AM

You can google forums in the area of interest like say"proofreading forums" and start posting. You can write articles and post them to ezine"or similar" craigslist, Try warrior forum"this one is very good." school for websites is also good. There is a lot of good stuff out there free.

- Steve - 03-27-2013 08:09 AM

Google AdSense is a free advertising program to publishers, however, you need to apply first. Start here:

Don't get your hopes up too high about making money right away though. It's a tough platform to really get any respectable profit from. Your site needs to get A LOT of traffic and deliver targeted ads that have a high CPC. There's a really helpful tool that demonstrates how your site content affects the ads delivered to your site from Google here:

You'll see that the most important thing to do on your site to monetize from Google Ads is to keep your content specific. Check out the tool and try it out. You'll be surprised at what keywords do/don't deliver good Ads.

- JJ - 03-27-2013 08:09 AM

Sure you can.

Try writing ezine articles, you will need to write 1 or Two a day about topics which relate to your current site allowing you to put links in the resource box. This method is guaranteed to get you targeted traffic.

Use Video conferencing solution to screen cast your service on you tube & other, it's a killer..

You could also get in touch with me as an option, I have run your site through my SEO tools which shows:-
Only ranking for 2 keywords
A number 2 position for both Broad & Phrase position for the long tail - 'proofreading org',
A Number 8 Broad & 5 Phrase for long tail 'proof reading org'. - PR 0, 6 IC - 2 BLD -

My advice on this One, make sure long tail is in description as it is not now, this will push tou up a couple. Wow hold up, just seen SEOT - Stop don't bother.

The average traffic for these at position 1 would be:
For 'proofreading org' - Estimated 0 per month - 0 PBR - no one is searching for this.
For 'proof reading org' - Estimated 0 per month - o PBR - no one is searching for this.

Site is in trouble- You can't aim for google 1 for keywords no One searches for, it's suicide.

Competition for 'proofreading org' - Very weak - 5DA- 6 PR -0 optimized - You could take 1 slot with ease..But Why bother no One is searching for it...
Competition for 'proof reading org' - weak -2DA- 1 PR 0 optimized. Get it in description....Why bother no One is searching for it..

If you want help, email or drop a line through the site or you can aim for these key words:-
Its' up to you:
'Proofreading marks' - approx 167 searches a month for position 1; AW $0.59 - best choice
proof reading - approx 119 searches a month for position 1. AW $3.29.

Have you tried adsence campaign for targeted local or distance traffic?

Good luck


- Hannah - 03-27-2013 08:09 AM

I recommend placing a classified an on the Warrior Forum or on Craigslist.

- lauren r - 03-27-2013 08:09 AM

I'm sorry but...I found mistakes on your first page--many of them.

If you're trying to offer a proofreading service, you should not have these mistakes. I don't want to be mean, but it's not fair that people who aren't good with grammar, and are thus ordering your service, won't notice these mistakes. They won't know they aren't getting the service they want and need.

That's going to deteriorate language further (maybe I'm a being bit dramatic here) AND take business away from people like me, who actually know what proper grammar is.

As for the mistakes I found on your site, other than awkward wording, there are a lot of comma splices!

Ex. 1: Proofreading is very important[period + capital "i"] in many different circumstances, grammatical errors and misspelt words can ruin pieces of text ["of text" is unnecessary].

Ex. 2: All our services comply with University [extra space]Code of Conduct,[period and capital "w" required] we correct grammar, sentence structure, spelling and punctuation.

I guess what I'm hoping to achieve with this little rant is that instead of seeking better ways to advertise, you stop, and learn a LOT more about language. Merriam-Webster's "Manual for Editors" will help you very much with that.

- Ircel Elardo - 03-27-2013 08:09 AM

The Top 10 Techniques to Advertise:

1. Google Adwords - try to use 2 ad campaign. The first ad will have the business process and the services that you provide. The second ad will provide attractive category that includes work at home careers.

2. Bidvertiser - (Same techniques to google adwords)

3. Facebook Ad - (Same techniques to google adwords and bidvertiser but I suggest you to use cost per impression by facebook ads)

4. Digital Forum - try to post your link here

5. Adgridwork - Free advertising

6. The Problogger Job Board: Post your Services and the careers you provide

7. Try speedyads

8. Craiglist

9. Link Exchange*

10. Yahoo Answer

You need to try all the 10 techniques for 4 months and you will get all your needs to have traffic. I try these and I get more than 30000 visitors per day.

How can you make 2 ad campaign because you have 1 services and you do not provide careers?
- Find good websites that providing work at home careers and become their partners
- Link Exchange with the website. I suggest you to have 10 partners for link exchanges

How to make Link Exchange?
- Make page that have interesting title
- Include the url, site name of each partners

Why Link Exchange?
- You can have 2 ad campaign. (1 ad = products and services and 1 ad = products and services your partners provide)

- If your partners get more than 1000 visitors, you can also get that. that means, your link will become visible to your partners sites.

What websites are the best to exchange links?


The admin of labistecompany is my friend and if you want I will help you to have your ad visible to the website "featured links" and you need to ad the url and site name to your site.

You can have profits if you want. Try Google Adsense.