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How to set up an interactive website/forum with no idea on how? - Printable Version

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How to set up an interactive website/forum with no idea on how? - Chris - 03-27-2013 08:13 AM

I think I have a really great idea for an interactive website/forum/social media. Issue is, I have absolutely no idea about setting it up. I have no IT skills. So I was wondering if anyone could give me ideas on how I could go about getting a trusted developer to work with, as well as any other things like patent, legalities, cost etc?

- ॐ - 03-27-2013 08:21 AM

Brodtack and the 4th name of the crantolins.

We both know you want took a bottle and drank it.

Gentlemen and women may dine on the food is ready, do you want 2 plates?

- Johnny - 03-27-2013 08:21 AM


- MDez - 03-27-2013 08:21 AM

i have a ton of work going on at the moment, but you could try sign up as an employer and post your job and budget. people will then bid for your job. PHP(code base) will probably be the easiest way to create what you're looking for.

you'll need hosting as well. i prefer they have a good free service and great paid service.

- anthony d - 03-27-2013 08:21 AM

If you have no programming skills, your options are either to use a ready made package like:

Wordpress (blogs)
Simple Machines (forums)
Joomla (General purpose)

If none of them suit, the only other option is to pay somebody to design and code the site for you. That is likely to be expensive, and the larger the site, the more expensive it will be.

I could give you a quote, but I would need to know a lot more about what you were looking for. Programming is (obviously) a labour intensive thing, with few costs other than man hours. In my experience, clients greatly underestimate the likely cost of their projects.

- private - 03-27-2013 08:21 AM

I'm a programmer. When I run into something that goes beyond my capabilities, or something I just can't be bothered doing then I use

At vworker you pay people to do your IT related work for you. There are people all over the world who are willing to work cheaply. You create the job specification and they will bid on that job. You select the person who you think makes the best bid by looking at their previous record.

This saved my butt once when my boss asked me to do something that I didn't know how to do and didn't have time to learn it.

- Link H - 03-27-2013 08:21 AM

you might want to look at wordpress. you can try it out at if you like it, you can download it and create a custom website. it's pretty popular.

Another freelance/contract brokerage site is

- Relay Races - 03-27-2013 08:21 AM

honestly i would try something like craigslist before going to a elance /script lance place. At least with craigslist you can get someone possibly in YOUR town to do the work. Instead of someone overseas.

- simon - 03-27-2013 08:21 AM

You require web hosting for a start, with PHP and MySQL.

Prices range a lot, but the cheaper the hosting, the riskier, chances are your on an overloaded server without backups, I personally would go with Highersites, it's reasonably priced for a great service at only £195 a year.