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What's your favorite part about the Romney/Ryan budget? - Printable Version

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What's your favorite part about the Romney/Ryan budget? - fdkk - 10-12-2012 08:18 AM

Destroys medicare and turns it into a risky voucher system

Privatizes social security and allows your retirement to be gambled away that the stock market.

It doesn't balance the reduce the debt for 3 decades

Gives a massive tax cut to the rich.

- crash.override - 10-12-2012 08:26 AM

The fact that you libs have to constantly LIE about it because it is a plan that might actually make some FISCAL SENSE...unlike yours/Dems plan, which is to STEAL from it and then just let it die...

- Sassy One - 10-12-2012 08:26 AM

It's going to help them lose the election.

- kril_420 - 10-12-2012 08:26 AM

I particularly like the fact that they refuse to go into detail about how they're going to run the country with drastically reduced tax revenue.

- GOZ2FAST - 10-12-2012 08:26 AM

Our government is bankrupt. Obama hasn't lived by a budget and plans to tax and spend more. NONE OF OUR ENTITLEMENTS are currently we either need to start cutting and getting used to the idea of taking care of ourselves or wait for the crash and do it then...but you people don't get it. THERE IS NO MORE MONEY...we have over promised and will not only under deliver but WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DELIVER what we have promised to the aged, and generations coming up.
It is time to balance the is time to tell the truth...but we don't expect you libs to do it.

- brenton s - 10-12-2012 08:26 AM

Romney's site doesn't mention privatizing the system. Ryan's last budget plan gave SS a complete free ride.

Here is link...

- Fergus - 10-12-2012 08:26 AM

My favorite part is that everything you said is retarded horsesh!t. Go collect your welfare check.

- ? - 10-12-2012 08:26 AM

Give more money to the very wealthy,then they will trickle a few pennies back to you.Anyone with any street sense would never,ever go for that scam.

- tylertxanreborn - 10-12-2012 08:26 AM

Why do pathetic little people like you lie?

1. Ryan budget saves medicare--democratic proposals will bankrupt medicare within a few years.
2. Social security privitiazation does not allow the funds to be gambled in risky wall street portfolios
(We understand poeple like you are capable of being repsonsible for your own money--you've shown yourselves to be spendthrifts time and time again)

crawl back under your rock

- Ron - 10-12-2012 08:26 AM

To where he sticks it to the old people on ss ,medicare and medicaid , you got to love ryans plans for them . i like the voucher plan for buying insurance give the fools 6000 bucks for insurance that will cost them 12000 bucks if they can get it with all their sicknesses. hell save the old people a spot under a viaduct, theres a lot of garbage cans they can eat out of. I think RYAN AND ROMNET HAVE IT ALL COVERED. 0 0 THE RICH NEED THE TAX CUTS SO WE CAN HAVE JOBS JOBS that the republicans were suppose to give us if we elected them in 2010 , dont you remember.