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How do apps message everyone on my facebook friends list? - Printable Version

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How do apps message everyone on my facebook friends list? - ??????!!!!!! - 04-04-2013 07:45 PM

So there's this app, whenever u use it, it sends a message to ALL of your facebook friends, but I want to do that except I want to send a message to everyone not just spammy advertising and stuff. How will I do this?
Are you guys just answering randomly? I'm asking how they did that because I want to send a message to everyone. I dont want to know why they do it and stuff...

- Ben! - 04-04-2013 07:53 PM

ignore such apps. they are only for advertising and spammy stuff.

- abraXus - 04-04-2013 07:53 PM

apps like that are violating facebook's terms of service

so you dont care why they do it, you want to break the rules just like them and get banned from facebook after a period of time just like them?

- Daniel - 04-04-2013 07:53 PM

Apps That Do That kind of Stuff Are Against the Terms of Service on Facebook you Cant Message Everyone on your Friends List Apps That Do That Kind of Stuff are Going to Get Removed Later on Down the Road