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What does he have against me? - Christina - 04-15-2013 12:51 PM

My ex boyfriend dumped me over 6 months ago due to the fact, that I refused to have sex with him. I told him throughout relationship that I wanted to remain a virgin until I was ready, which he couldn't cope with. After he broke up with me, I deleted him off my fb and cut all contact with him. I didn't want him to see that I was actually hurt about the breakup, so I pretended like it didn't get to me. Shortly afterwards however my ex started tweeting very rude things about me and posted indirect posts about me on his blog. I continued to ignore it. He even sent him a 'mistaken' text message.
About 4 weeks ago, he posted 'How to piss off a girl? Tell her to call your ex gf for advice on how to give a *******'. I know for a fact, that he reads my tweets on twitter, as he recently mentioned the same thing which I did the next day. I honestly can't understand why he keeps posting such insults about me, when he's the one who broke up with me? There should be no reason for him to be so vindictive.

I have started seeing someone else and I have moved on. But the fact, that he continues to write such things about me irritates me.

- Holly - 04-15-2013 12:59 PM

He sounds like a selfish jerk who only wanted you for sex. You don't need him in your life. Try talking to someone you trust like a close friend or adult you trust to help you not worry about your ex. Everything is going to be alight your ex is simply feeling bad that he hurt you and you shouldn't worry about it.

- kelsey <3 - 04-15-2013 12:59 PM

He's immature, forget about him. He wants you to read those insults, so try to stay away from them as much as possible. Even if you do read it, don't give him the pleasure of having a reaction. Just act indifferently. Of course if he starts to harass you then you tell someone. If not, just let him be his own immature self for now.

- Michaela - 04-15-2013 12:59 PM

He is trying to play games w u, but that won't work if u don't play along! He wants the power and the upperhand, don't sink down to his level, u have been so mature and classy about it so far, keep it that way! Continue ignoring, don't even look at his tweets.

- Mari - 04-15-2013 12:59 PM

Well after reviewing all of the complaints you have here....hmm let me see.....HE'S FRICKEN EITHER JEALOUS OR JUST BEING A CRAP BUCKET. Tell him to start being mature about things and to just move on cuz It doesnt look like he know how to tell himself that.

- Esparza - 04-15-2013 12:59 PM

Im going to be very honest with you, men are like females. They can deny it if they want but its true. This may also sound stupid, but he wants your attention. Maybe in a rude way, but he does want it. If he didnt care at all about your breakup, he wouldnt think about you and would have moved on. Instead he wants to keep attacking you with rude insults and threats. For me, i could simply ignore someone like that, for you it may be hard since you dated. Just try your best to ignore him and let him seek the attention, cause eventually someone will say something to him.