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Do you think facebook is destroying the way people socialize? - Printable Version

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Do you think facebook is destroying the way people socialize? - Adam - 04-15-2013 11:46 PM

I really think facebook has a lot to blame for people not wanting to speak face to face anymore, especially people my age (19). I'm a really sociable guy but i like talking about like news and football, not what most people are interested in, so i don't bother saying anything because they'll find me boring. I find that older people enjoy my company whereas people my age just don't seem to want to be around me :/ hmmm. I kind of hate my age group to be honest

- Jazmein Pones - 04-15-2013 11:54 PM

Dont no but I just deleted mine half hour ago im sick of it

- Vikram - 04-15-2013 11:54 PM

Everything has got good & bad. So even facebook has got so. It shud be used for good means nt for bad.

- white-eye - 04-15-2013 11:54 PM

its not destroying, rather its revolutionizing. it could be thanks to "facebook" that you figured out you hate people your own age group. personally I hate sports other than golf and I love the real queen

- Richard - 04-15-2013 11:54 PM

No I think it is changing the way but not destroying. People talk on Facebook yes but FB is really just a way of keeping in touch with those we meet in real life and speak face to face with. I dont think FB is to blame for people not wanting to speak face to face all pf my friends use FB but they use it to arrange meeting up or just to chat when they cant do it face to face.

Why are we not saying: Has the telephone destroyed the way we used to socialise because people can just phone instead of face to face. Probably because over time we have gotten used to it. Whenever something new comes out half think it is brilliant and half think it is terrible and that this new thing is why children today are terrible. Eventually, about 99.9% of people come to terms with whatever it is and realise that it is most likely not an evil corrupting influence, probably because something new comes out ;P

- whisperingfog402 - 04-15-2013 11:54 PM

Yes. Facebook is a stupid way to stay in touch with people I am sick of how people send stupid little comments on facebook rather than just sending a plain email, or going out with each other. I never did like facebook. Aka crapbook, fakebook.

It is destroying human NATURE. FYI facebook is not a good or nice way to keep in touch with friends and family why do people keep saying that? It only drifts you apart... don't you realize that?
That is why there is EMAIL and PHONES. We don't need facebook anymore than we need another world war.

Edit: Know what I find most annoying about facebook? Uh, EVERYTHING, lol. My new nickname for fb users are the FB Freaks lol. All facebook needs is an I at the end of FB, facebook is a FBI database without the I. Thanks to Zuckerberg private info was sold without users permission, why would you use a site whose CEO scams you? Mark Zuckerberg is nothing but a con artist. He is also currently in a court case for these violations, it doesn't look like he's gonna win either. There's too much evidence. Zuckerberg doesn't care at all about users, all he cares about is profits, like any business man would.