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Is it okay for my school to do this? - Printable Version

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Is it okay for my school to do this? - woah chill bro - 04-16-2013 04:40 AM

My school, which is a private school in Pennsylvania, recently made a new rule saying that every student who has a facebook must have at least one faculty member or teacher added, so that they can keep an eye on us. A boy in our school made a post complaining about getting in trouble for something stupid at school, and he got in really big trouble today for posting that on facebook. Do they have the right to do that?

- Ryan - 04-16-2013 04:48 AM

No it goes againts the privacy act

- Leaf - 04-16-2013 04:48 AM

No! Kids should have privacy. They're not your parents. The parents should do that.

- lisa - 04-16-2013 04:48 AM

No not here cali. At least
My mom wouldn't approve of that, talk to your patents and tell them and maybe they will tell them no or something

- ? - 04-16-2013 04:48 AM

Defiantly not that invades personal privacy outside of school. If I was you and your friends I'd block the teachers and say you don't have one

- TheKozzyKid - 04-16-2013 04:48 AM

No not at all. That's free speech. And them taking that from you especially off school grounds is ridiculous and unlawful.

- Dont - 04-16-2013 04:48 AM

wow thats pretty messed up. I dont think its ok for them to do that, the internet is not school property and unless your bullying a kid or plotting something against the school, they really have no business monitoring your online activity. Just the concept that your school has imagined is Orwellian and i shudder even thinking about it. On the other hand there is really nothing that you can do about it. The reason there doing this is because they are a private school and they dont have to answer to the government, meaning there is essentially noone you can report it to. Try telling your parents ad having them write the school. Send out an email to other parents at the school and try to get them to complain as well. This is why im glad that i go to a public high school haha.

- kyle - 04-16-2013 04:48 AM

No. That is invading privacy and is illegal. I would talk to your parents about telling the governed or something. Since it is a private school there probably isn't a school district like a public school has, so that would be about your only option. I personally would send an email, but if you want to go talk to him:her then the more power to you! If that doesn't work, send an email to the president. He doesn't read the emails but his staff does, and the issue will get taken care of. Good luck Smile

- dirt - 04-16-2013 04:48 AM

Morally is wrong for them to do that, also its a pointless attempt to stop cyberbullying, plus im pree sure thats ilegal

- Timothy - 04-16-2013 04:48 AM

No, they have ZERO right to do that. That is a clear invasion of your privacy in something the school has no business in. This is typical of how schools overstep there authority and feel they can do whatever they want. Tell them to screw. Get ahold of a written letter that your school sent out saying this new "rule" and forward it to your local news channel and newspaper. At that kid has every right to post whatever he wants without the fear of the school punishing him for it, unless its a harmfull threat which doesnt seem to be the case here. There is no way you should give in to this rule, the schools job is to teach you kids math, science, english, etc, not police your personal website pages. The police doesnt even have that authority.