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How do I drive customers to my new digital photo editing site - Printable Version

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How do I drive customers to my new digital photo editing site - Dr. Elrod Livingstone - 04-16-2013 06:49 AM

I've already started facebook and myspace pages for it.

- ImaYam - 04-16-2013 06:57 AM

Business cards.. EVERYWHERE!

- J.G. Coleman - 04-16-2013 06:57 AM

Needless to say, advertising by every avenue imaginable is the quickest way to get people to bite and at least take a look at your website. Business cards come to mind, but also try taking out some internet advertising space... you'd be amazed how many people actually pay attention to banner and sidebar ads.

Another thought... after looking through the sample work you provide on your website, I honestly think you should re-evaluate a couple of the photographs you chose. The photograph of the guy at the concert, for instance, is just a pretty terrible photograph overall. Even though your touch-ups enhanced it's hideousness to some degree, you should truly avoid associating your work with photography that is genuinely poor and couldn't be brought back from the dead with all the touch-ups in the world. Try to feature work in which an already okay snapshot was made to look more pleasing... avoid showing potential customers examples of your work in which even the outcome, despite being better, is still a pretty damn horrible photo. Not many people will be interested in paying you to make a truly crappy photograph slightly less crappy.

Also, you should improve the resolution of the sample photographs... they are so compressed that the quality comes out looking pretty bad. Try saving your sample photographs at a lower JPEG compression... people will be more likely to use your services if they don't get the impression that their photo will come back with ugly noise artifacts from being over-compressed.

Granted, these last two things aren't advertising related... but taking these comments to heart will help you maximize your success with the individuals that do respond to your advertising and check out your website.

P.S. Your website's title graphic is a bit weak... I understand that you're going for the whole stylized look with the graffiti-style font, but you'd be taken much more seriously by website visitors if they didn't have to do a doube- or triple-take to make out what you have written there. Your services could potentially be purchased by anyone between the ages of 18 and 80... and believe me, grandma and grandpa aren't too keen on reading graffiti. Go with a more easy-to-read title graphic... your business will appreciate it.

- Perki88 - 04-16-2013 06:57 AM

Craig's List ...offer to fix lousy pictures by cheap wedding photographers.