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How much can an administrative assistant or receptionist expect to earn per week? - Printable Version

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How much can an administrative assistant or receptionist expect to earn per week? - Rio Madeira - 04-16-2013 11:30 AM

I posted a "Looking for Work" ad on Facebook and was contacted by a staffing coordinator who asked for my salary expectations. The figure I gave her was $225 per week. Is this too much, too little, or just right?
To put things into more perspective, I'm a first-year university student with basic knowledge of clerical, computer, and accounting skills, who live in Canada.

- shiprepairwoman - 04-16-2013 11:38 AM

It is much less than we pay but it depends on your city. We pay ours 13.50 per hour.

- debbiedo - 04-16-2013 11:38 AM

I would say that a reasonable salary for a receptionist is in the range of $20,000 - $24,000/year ($380 - $461/week). Depending on the duties involved for an administrative assistant, I would say that range should be $24,000 - $30,000 ($461 - $577/week). The lower end of the range for little to no experience and the higher end of the range for more experienced.

- kimmi - 04-16-2013 11:38 AM

Depends on which company your working for and what your specific goals are...anyways, when I work my Administrative asst. Job, I get paid almost 250-300 just for 3-4 days
I think you quoted to little, however if this is a new job title for you and you have little or no experience you may not get more then what you all comes down to the company/org and how successful they are n such...good luck

- The Fex Sairy - 04-16-2013 11:38 AM

Hey Rio

Don't sell yourself short. You're too smart for that, especially if it's full time. I "heard" you speak enough to know you can start at least with $9-10/hour. If you know Word and Excel ask for a little more. You can always play it safe and say it's negotiable, or ask them to test your skills first and then talk money. I'd try to "sell" myself first, get the interview and then discuss salary. I hate using that "sell" when it comes to the self... but that's how it is unfortunately.

If you really like the job, take it. You can always move up. If I were your age again, I'd try really hard to work in a college setting. You may start low, but, you can move up - or sideways, you're always around some form of intelligent life... and, the benefits are good. Also, many will pay for a huge chunk of your tuition. Not that you need it, I know. But, you can always use that money dad saved for you to put it down for an apartment.

Good luck!

- Saiyuki_Anyone? - 04-16-2013 11:38 AM

Will you be working full or part time? If you wish to work full-time, then $225 is way too low. I would have asked for at least $400 per week. However, if you wish to only work part-time, then $225 seems about right.

- Jen - 04-16-2013 11:38 AM

£12-15k in uk for dollars x by two, but petrol is more expensive here - 30000$ per year is about 600$ per week.

- cps - 04-16-2013 11:38 AM

Is this part time for full time? For someone brand new, you are probably in the range of $8-12 depending on the level of duties and how proficient you are at various software, hardware. You'll be at the lower end if you are in a low cost of living area, more toward the higher if more urban.