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Best friends have replaced me and are posting pictures of them all on facebook? - Printable Version

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Best friends have replaced me and are posting pictures of them all on facebook? - Grace Hardy - 04-16-2013 06:41 PM

My two best friends have dropped me in the past month. The first cancelled on my birthday party last minute, the second rang me telling me it was a shitty thing of her to do and that she'd take me out instead.. i was upset and declined but she went out and bumped into the first friend out. They hung out together all night whilst i was stuck in. The second friend told me about it in a bitchy way yet there are pictures of them on facebook having a great time.

Me and the second friend were then supposed to be making plans for new years eve. She bought tickets to an event with another girl the night before and by the time she told me they'd sold out. She told me to try somewhere else. I was stuck in again. A week of us not talking later, she asks if i want to come out like nothing's wrong.. i told her "i felt like i'd been dropped by then both and would feel awkward pretending it hadn't bothered me" she replied "be like that.. it wasn't intentional".

Since then we haven't spoken and i've been replaced by this other girl she bought tickets with. The three of them all post on each others facebook walls how much they love each other and lots of pictures of them all.. i've been alone all holidays wondering what i've done wrong. I've known these girls for 8 years and they've completely dropped me. They all also take hard drugs now.

How do i get over being forgotten about? I've been depressed about this for a month and they don't care.

- Loz - 04-16-2013 06:49 PM


- Erin - 04-16-2013 06:49 PM

Perhaps you should stop basing your happiness on what a bunch of shallow "party-girls" are doing. Why do you need someone to go out with? And when people do ask to go out with you, you decline. You just want wallow in your pity. It's sad. Quit letting others determine your worth and happiness. Get a life!

- GirlOnTheMove - 04-16-2013 06:49 PM

They don't seem like the friends you want to have around you? My advice is to make some new friends,nicer ones that will have your back. It seems scary to make new friends because you've known the others for 8 years but it's really easy actually.
But if you really want to make up with them, call one of them and ask them to hang out, tell them you wan't to just forget it and be friends again. Then go out and have fun with them, take photos,laugh,all that stuff. If you really want to, you can be a part of it too.

- J - 04-16-2013 06:49 PM

You find new friends, its not easy but it beats the alternative. You said they are doing HARD drugs, not something you want or need to be apart of. You tell yourself this, if it was that easy for them to drop you, they weren't really your friends anymore. As people get older, they change, and it sound like these girls took a different path, don't let that deter you from moving up and on to bigger and better things. Just remember, your better than to allow yourself to hurt for anyone else, your you and if that's not good enough, excuse my language, but "fuck em"...

- cherie wilkerson - 04-16-2013 06:49 PM

For one thing, these girls are on drugs, so therefore they are already grossing me out. They probably aren't great to hang out with and their judgement is impaired so I wouldn't want to anyway.

For another thing, two out of three invitations YOU declined. Your friend it right when she said it wasn't intentional. The tickets being sold out for the event was something no one had any control over.

If you really want your friends back, call and apologize over your attitude (yes you had one) and invite them out where you can go and where they will have fun. Talk to the new girl and try to get to know her. She might be an extra friend that you enjoy. Try not to think of her as competition.

Hope I helped

- Kirsty - 04-16-2013 06:49 PM

To be honest your so called friends are not friends at all. Its fine that they hang around with people other than you, but they shouldn't rub your nose in. They are only doing that to make you feel bad and upset, and its working!

If they are doing hard drugs then you are better off without them! I know it sucks and it hurts but you will find proper friends who value the time you give them.
Don't keep looking at facebook cos thats like rubbing salt in the wound.

Most girls have been through this and you will look back and laugh.
All the bitches that ditched me when i was younger, are all pregnant, ugly and miserable.

Keep smiling, it will get better x

- earthquake488 - 04-16-2013 06:49 PM

They're not worth it, believe me. They take drugs, get drunk and blank you... tell me, why are you bothered about being rejected by them? Be grateful that they're not roping you into doing drugs.

Just forget about them, find new friends and let them throw their lives away whichever way they choose.

- ferochira - 04-16-2013 06:49 PM

You don't have the experience yet to understand what has and is happening ... neither do they understand. It's not about a real "friendship" their deceiving themselves and don't know where a friendship ends, cause for all they happy smiling pics, their friendship is already over. First, stop going to their fb pages, don't look at any time from here on in, because #1 your only punishing yourself and causing the majority of the sadness you feel. #2 their doing it on purpose, their trying to hurt you because they can't use you, when they feel like it. #3. It's the drugs that hold them together, not friendship, they have no to little control over their mind or behaviour anymore, the drugs do and none of what they say or do exist without the drugs.
Take it from someone who knows, has been there and has studied the culture for many yrs from the inside out ... only god, speaks a deeper truth than what i'm about to say.
Drug dealers and users, don't have friends, the term friend has been bastardized all to h*ll and back again, all and every behaviour and action has become acceptable in the definition of friendship today.
When the drugs are gone, so are all those, a person using, calls a friend, when the drugs are in short supply or low the user will lie like the devil, in order "not" to share with "friends", when a user is hard up for cash to buy, they will without a doubt and if possible, steal from a "friend". These same ppl lie, cheat, steal and deceive family, how on could you believe they would treat a so called "friend" any better. One of the major reasons a person who does drugs tend to associate with others/friends who do, is in hopes of sharing the other persons stuff/drugs at times, especially when they've done their own, it's the greed of and the self centredness of the drug that controls not about liking or friendship. Most, if not all would and do sell out "friends" for a little more drugs. And drug users are famous for trying to get others to do the same by holding them hostage with the "friendship" threat, they use a friends own emotions of friendship against them and god help any weakness they find in that friend.
It's the drugs that control, think and speak for them, they can't hear, see, smell, feel or think by themselves anymore, they gave all their control away. They no longer have a normal thinking process, they don't feel it until it consumes them, their blind to what it takes away, will power, dignity, respect,personality, looks, drive and motivation, emotion, normal thought process and reasoning, health, love, drugs consume it all, drugs have a veracious appetite and only leave a hollow shell that resembles a person.
What you will find is it's only a matter of time, before one or more contact you down the road, when they understand the idiocy of their decision they made now. Once a person does or is forced to give it up, they learn, as any expert will tell you, it's the drugs that chose their friends not them, they learn they had nothing in common but the drugs, they know they don't want, need those ppl around them anymore and that misery loves company, even when it comes in the disguise of a friend and as any expert will tell you one can't keep/have anyone around them that does drugs. Addicts who get clean "have to" move out of the area where past drug associates that they once called friends, lives or know where to look for them. Their survival and success depend on no contact at any time.
And they always attempt to connect to those they realize were the true friends to start over because their totally alone without those old drug associates then know were never friends to start with.
I know it hurts and is lonely, but you have to see this for what it is and the fact you were more than blessed with more confidence and independence in yourself and the smarts not have been swayed by others.
I guarantee, they will be back in time and most likely, not be or want the company of each other at any point. Find other friends, be and show them your happy within yourself and that your world does revolve around them, cause it really doesn't.