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Does social media work for small scale business? - Printable Version

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Does social media work for small scale business? - sheri_arlie - 10-12-2012 08:20 AM

- mikewill70 - 10-12-2012 08:28 AM

Hey Sheri

Social media is THE most cost effective way for small businesses to advertise. Dollar for dollar it is more targeted than any other form of advertising available to them ( if done properly) .

With a properly laid out social media campaign a small business can level the playing field playing against a large business. It's the idea that matters.

- Milt - 10-12-2012 08:28 AM

^^^Mike has a great response. As a small business you should definitely leverage social media to better engage with your customers. You have the opportunity to develop an Intimate relationship with your clientele.

- Steve B - 10-12-2012 08:28 AM

Yes, for sure, 'word of mouth' and 'personal recommendation' is THE way for small a business to get customers !!

- Andrew Strauss - 10-12-2012 08:28 AM

Social media can be a scary prospect for small businesses; unlike traditional marketing methods, it puts part of the message in the hands of the customers. But while it’s easy to be concerned that the message will go the wrong way, the benefits can outweigh the risks if you use the available services wisely.

The most obvious benefits are increased customer loyalty and engagement. Less obvious but just as important: Your business will gain exposure not through your own advertisements, but through folks who’ve already been patrons. We’re more likely to trust a Facebook update or Yelp review from a friend than from the business itself.

- Arjun - 10-12-2012 08:28 AM

Every startup needs to spend time understanding the dynamics of the different networks to know what works for them and what doesn't.

You need to decide what you want
Define your goals
Listen to customers & prospects
Engage with them
Raise your company's online profile

Keep your concepts clear. You have to engage with your audience and build a relationship with them.
But tread cautiously
You'll have to be really transparent. Once you engage in Social Media you will have to be open and honest as a company. You can't fake it.
It takes time to build a network, you can't just buy it. Ideally you would build new, strong and viral relationships. Your employees can be your best influencers/ambassadors.
Remember not to spam or overdo it though.

For more information:
Hope you find it helpful.
