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Should I talk to him tomorrow? (I will answer your questions)? - Printable Version

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Should I talk to him tomorrow? (I will answer your questions)? - Sw - 04-25-2013 05:43 PM

Sorry this is long, so I will answer any questions you want me to.
Well, there's a guy I have liked since the beginning of the school year. He's a Freshman and I'm a Sophomore. . I can't help but like him a lot. I see him a lot, we have Earth Science together first block A B C days, then gym d days plus I see him at his locker during the day.we don't really talk much., when he comes in to the room, I'm like speechless. I like him because he is funny, nice, PERFECT to me yet, awkward in his own way.
We did something where we got chocolate, and I didn't care if I got any (I was in like a group with him. We all represented a country and we got hershey's kisses to show how much we are distributing and Important in the world. we we're both in the Europe group along with another guy and girl.) I figured he and the other guy could have it, cause the other girl walked away. And even though he didn't have to, he walked over and gave me a couple hershey's kisses.
One time, during a video in class, he may have looked over at me, but I'm not sure. I was looking at him, without realizing, then I saw that he was looking at me, so I quickly turned my head and looked out the window and then at my desk. I realized right after, that he may have been smiling, and after I turned I saw him (out of the corner of my eye) slowly turn and look at his desk, and his mouth moved from what may have been a smile.
He looked over at my friend and I in earth science once, during a lab. And he looked for like two minutes. But that may have been because of the guy my friend and I were working with. I dont know.
He has done some weird things including me, according to my friend.
a couple months ago, , a friend of mine was walking outside of the school in the afternoon, while waiting for the bus. She wanted me to show he who I liked, so I showed her from afar, and she screamed ew. Then we walked near him, and she said things like, "Him!?!" And "Guys with glasses are cute" (He has glasses) And some other things.
So the night after, my friend(one who talks to him on facebook) asked him on FB if he heard what my other friend was saying, he said Yes. Then she asked if he knew who she was talking to, he said my name. Then, as much as I don't believe this part, my friend said that he said, he wished I had been saying those things. He also asked if I liked him, and my friend didn't tell him I do, she lied and said "Uh Idk, I presume she doesn't" I'm not sure if she was telling the truth though.
Unless he is deaf or stupid he knows I like him. This is because a month or two ago, when I was walking home with two of my friends, he was waIking across the street. Well one of my friends screamed "Hey ____(his name)! _____(my name) Likes you!!" Then she said, " If you want to know who the _____(my name) is, she's right here!"
I know he looked over, but I don't know how much he did, cause I looked away in embarrassment.
He didn't say anything to my friend about it.
Ever since she told him, I think he may have glanced over at me in the hallway a couple times, I don't know if he did though.
Then, the one day, my friend admitted to talking to him again. She said she asked him something like if he heard hat she screamed to him a couple weeks ago, he said yep. She said something like "so you know who likes you" he said yep. Then she said something like "so you know who that is?" He said yep.
Then the one day during lunch, Unless Im just crazy or imagining it, two guys were looking at me. They did it a couple Times. Idk if it was because I was looking over near there ( I was looking past their table to a different table) One of them is one of the guy I likes good friends, that I see him with after school a lot. The one who I know if a good friend of his, would look for like a minute or two straight.
One of the two guys would look first, then look down, then the friend of the guy I like, would look up, and look for a while. I dont know if they said anything to eachother when they looked. I know they were talking.
Lately, unless I am crazy, I see him looking at me in the cafeteria in breakfast in the morning, a lot. a week or two ago, my friend said that when I walk by him, he turns his head and looks at me.(like after I pass him, he still turns his head to look back at me) I asked how she knew (cause I never saw it happen) She said, that she notices those things. She wasn't lying, because she didnt smile and laugh like she usually does when she lies. She had a VERY serious face.
He adds EVERYONE on facebook, but he doesnt add me :\? He has over 700 friends, and he gets on facebook. (like he doesnt stay off it for months, ) Cause at first, i was just going to easily talk to him. Anyways, Should I talk to him in person tomorrow, with a friend, for the first time.

- Jessica - 04-25-2013 05:48 PM

he is fishy....

- Pamela - 04-25-2013 05:52 PM

Talking to him in person might be hard but is worth it in the end and if u really like him just express your feelings to him..answer mine please

- Meghan - 04-25-2013 06:07 PM

I think you should talk to him! It seems like he likes you,theirs definatly something there..but he seems extreemly shy about the whole situation so it would be smart for you to go talk to him first. Maybe then he will start the convo and add you on facebook.
Please answer mine ?;_ylt=Al43HR4f7EhiVTovZui2Z7nty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20130205181059AAOaG2Q

- Chris - 04-25-2013 06:23 PM

Just walk up to him, start some small talk about a class or something. Guys like it when a girl will start a conversation sometimes.

- A - 04-25-2013 06:30 PM

Go for it. You never know unless you tried.