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Do you think Social Media is an effective way to motivate and help battle Climate Change Issue? - Printable Version

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Do you think Social Media is an effective way to motivate and help battle Climate Change Issue? - OnTheVergeOf - 10-12-2012 08:21 AM

Would you "like" or help Climate Change issues on Facebook? How do you feel if Twitter or other social media work to spread the importance of Climate Change. Does it work?

- Alfonso - 10-12-2012 08:29 AM

it might, only MIGHT be a good option for recruiting people... but apart from that, social media tends to be a passive media for these kind of battles

- MeeMo432 - 10-12-2012 08:29 AM

I know you're trying to be conscientious and do what you think is right, but please, PLEASE look into climate change before you go any further. It's a proven fraud. Haven't you heard about Climate Gate? It's all about money, money, money. IPCC members have admitted that they wanted to create hysteria at the outset in order to get money. Special interest groups lobby, do favors, get favors - that's all this is about. Money makes the world go round. For crying out loud, you can find out that the science in "An Inconvenient Truth" was faulty just be Googling the facts. Al Gore, who started the hysteria with his film, is a lying hypocrite. There are hundreds of scientists in the U.S. alone trying to speak out about this but they're being blackballed by their colleges (again - money). Do you know these scientists held a convention in NYC to discuss how this hysteria is affecting their field and careers? I doubt it. Most people didn't because the media conveniently overlooks anything that doesn't fit their agenda.

Warming and cooling has been happening cyclically since weather conditions have been recorded. There is absolutely no crisis happening here.

If you want to motivate people in positive way, start researching this economic meltdown and what is happening to our nation. Now THAT is a crisis. You can start with a book called "The 5000 Year Leap." Easy to read and certainly not what you learn in public schools. This is what people need to wake up to and get involved in.

- HumaWebDesign - 10-12-2012 08:29 AM

Yes I like climate change issuses in facebook, twitter and web directory and internet directory like
I am sure web links are great way to show our awareness towards our environment and climate change.