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Sister told friends i self harm? - Printable Version

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Sister told friends i self harm? - anonymous - 04-26-2013 04:58 AM

Im very close to me sister and love her very much. I also self harm a fair bit which she vaguely knows about. I have major trust issues (my phsyc told me) and my mum only knows by accident. My closest friends have no idea and it makes me feel sick to think of ANYONE knowing mainly because i dont trust anyone but myself but also because i am a very happy bubbly person and dont want people thinking of me any way but that. Anyway i was sitting on the couch next to my sister and her bf said to her on facebook, "is your sister ok now" my sis looked up at me and i pretended not to notice. A few months ago i found out she told her ex (after the break up) all about me and i almost threw up when i read it and saw how hugely shes exegerated like i was a sucidal maniac. So today i went on her laptop and discovered shes told her best friends and her boyfriend all about me and my cutting. She als said she only invites me along to with her when she goes places so i dont get kore depressed and just sit at home all day alone because i dont go out with friends often. Her friends added she was glad i couldnt go to the most recent thing i was invited to because i am extreemly akward (i didnt think this was true ad i am very confident and always talk to people etc) and my sister agreed saying she was happy i missed. I love my sister but im finding it really hard to face her knowing all shes told everyone. I have not mentioned anything to her but im so upset. What should i do?

- CJ - 04-26-2013 05:09 AM

Don't just mention this to your sister. Tell her how you feel and how much it's affecting your relationship

- Natasha - 04-26-2013 05:19 AM

hi i use to self harm when i was younger my reason were if i hurt my self no one can hurt me more then i can my self my way of staying normal (in my own way) i told my younger cousin witch i should not of she was 3year younger and was very scared i blackmailed her not to say anything to anyone or id kill myself but as time went on she told her bf to and he told his friend and so on not long after that my family found out i thought i didnt want anyone to no but when it came about everyone knowing was so much better in long sure ur sister means no harm to you she must love her sister and feels scared she will loose you so she told people that way she keeping her head in check and wont crack up with that kinda info about her sisters pain x

- iTs_Me - 04-26-2013 05:31 AM

maybe you can see your sisters problems too. she loves and and she has to watch you self harming. thats not so easy on her. she needs to talk to someone not to go crazy over it. you said you love her, so try to understand her.
i hope you are in therapy for what happened to you as a child so that you ended up having all those mental things going on. and i really hope you heal one day, if possible soon. fight for it!

- Bella - 04-26-2013 05:33 AM

I dont think your sister did it for any bad reason, I think she was just worried about you and she didnt know what to do. There are lots of websites on self harm that she might have looked at and she probably read something about suicide and maybe over exagerated. I guess she's probably scared incase you do something, and she might be depressed over it to know your not happy on the inside. I think you should trust her, even though with what she did. She can help you more than anyone else. x