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Would conservative media and Fox News be more reliable if there was another mainstream conservative network? - Printable Version

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Would conservative media and Fox News be more reliable if there was another mainstream conservative network? - Mainland Mutt - 04-26-2013 07:23 AM

Although I am on the left for most issues, I see very good reason behind the opposing ideas on the right side (except when it comes to some social issues). There are many great debates to be had that could stimulate creative solutions. If conservative ideas have great rational support, why then do they have to be devalued through the delusions and fear tactics of Fox News and absurd radio stations? If there was another conservative network and media outlet for conservatives, would the competition force Fox News and Republicans to tone down the propaganda? The free market, which Republicans claim to hold sacred, thrives on competition. Why is this not the case with their media?

I believe that if there was just MSNBC for liberal media, then MSNBC would go from being biased (which I will admit it is, even though I am liberal) to being just as absurdly biased as fox! The presence of several liberal networks forces journalists to compete for the average moderate American viewers. Would a second Fox do the same? Or would it just double the potential for "Fox News junkies"?
From what I understand, MSNBC is more of a TV news editorial network. The apply opinions when they should be sticking to facts. You could be right, they might be worse than Fox. That was not really my point, because if I want to watch a liberal network, I have 'options'. The fact that the birther issue and the like were reported as if they were based in any sort of factual evidence really shows the difference in the biases. Liberal media hides their bias under the mask of logic, even if their biases are not logical (at least they are stomachable). It preys on the ignorant, but Fox news is more ruthless about it. I'm just trying to say that Fox news actually damages people's opinions of conservative politics. Another network might help your cause, which in turn helps the other side, cuz we are all trying to do what's best for America, right? Ideally, I would like a news network that had no bias at all, but we all know that will never happen.

- Jacara - 04-26-2013 07:34 AM

I think we'd all be better off if we passed a law saying it was Illegal for News organizations to lie or mislead their viewers. Like Canada's Law.

- Steve Rogers - 04-26-2013 07:39 AM

I only watch Fox...

- Really? - 04-26-2013 07:47 AM

It is time for us to clean up our media. Fox is no more than propaganda. How about the Hannity saying Clinton watched the attack on a monitor? An ignorant senator asking about it? And there was no monitor....

Now is the time to fix our media

- yaheigh - 04-26-2013 07:56 AM

Actually, your premise is faulty and slanted by your own views. You state.. "I believe that if there was just MSNBC for liberal media, then MSNBC would go from being biased (which I will admit it is, even though I am liberal) to being just as absurdly biased as fox! "

However - a study during the election cycle revealed that MSNBC was more biased that Fox News by a good amount.

You do not see MSNBC as "absurdly biased" because they say things that fit your belief structure. So, MSNBC is already more bias than Fox despite there being many more left leaning media outlets.. It certainly hasn't toned down propaganda from the left. Why would it from the right....

Edit to answer your question
But I could say exactly the same thing about Fox. It is more of a TV News Editorial Network. The only show I can think of on Fox that is pure "news" is Shepard Smith's news show. All the rest consist of people talking about, "analyzing" and editorializing the news and giving their opinions on it. Certainly that is the case for their most popular shows (O' Reilly, Hannity, Brett Bair).

Ideally you do have a point. Competition does tend to better all involved. Right now Fox doesn't really have competition as a "right leaning tv news source". It is the "MSNBC of the right" but there is no, "CNN of the right".