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What are some "new" words? Need them for an assignment.? - Printable Version

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What are some "new" words? Need them for an assignment.? - Erik Thorvaldsson - 04-26-2013 09:41 AM

Here is the prompt:

"Please post at least 3 new words you've encountered recently. For now, all you have to do is post 1 post with 3 words (with definitions, if needed). Then, during the next week, I'll ask you to reply to your own post with an identification of what type of morphological process created this word. But for now, just post the 3 words!"

Now, we're supposed to keep it PG-13. Unfortunately, this means I can't use words like "procrasturbate". We're suppose to use words such as "caturday", "hangry", and essentially other such combinations of words that have arisen due to cultural influences in recent times. As I hardly have time for Facebook nowadays, much less other social media websites, I am unaware of many such slang terms that have come around.

So any help?
I do believe my teacher wants words that haven't been around for years. As I spend most of my reading time with British literature from the 1800's or with German literature (in German, mind you), and my friends use actual English, I don't find myself hearing such new words as I need for this assignment.

- Suretta - 04-26-2013 09:45 AM

You are being asked what new words you've encountered. If you don't spend time online, which is admirable, you will encounter words somewhere else.

If you haven't encountered three new words lately, I suggest you start talking to people.

- B.Editor - 04-26-2013 09:57 AM

A good source for material might be, oddly enough,

It loosely defines slang terms, I'd be very selective about the words you pick if you used it.

Never thought I would actually direct a student there...

Some personal favorites: