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People kill people not guns kill people?? Why do some people say this? - Printable Version

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People kill people not guns kill people?? Why do some people say this? - ✿ - 04-26-2013 10:15 AM

Okay so im just a teenager so please go easy on me.

People who support the right to have guns say this quote all the time but I cant help but to think to myself what a stupid argument.
First off its true that people kill people, but this is how the world is and thats never going to change.
But imo guns do kill MORE people. So wouldnt taking guns away help lower the number of deaths at places with large groups of innocent people?
Some people have made the argument that they should be allowed to carry guns in public places just in case something like the Colorado shooting were to happen. But wouldnt that just make for a shootout? Are we going to have shootouts with civilians against a crazy person at a grocery store now, at a park, at a school now? Is this what we have come to as a society now? when we could just easily take guns off our streets and our neighborhoods?
People say just keep the guns from getting in the wrong hands. But how is that possible? There are over 300 million people in the U. S wouldnt it just be easier to take guns off the streets? Also there are people who own guns that appear to be normal NOW but in todays world any and everyone is unpredictable, look at the Colorado shooter he was in everyones eyes a normal student but look at what he did? You dont have to be just "mentally ill" to just one day have a break down.
I agree that people should have the right to bear arms, but honestly each household imo should only be limited to have one gun. Thats enough protection, there really isnt a need for people to have 3 to 8 guns in one household.
and last, people blame a "society of violence" for what is going. But hasnt society and the world always been violent? dont get me wrong, I do believe violence in movies, music and video games contribute to this SOMEWHAT. But ultimately its a GUN ISSUE. Like I said before violence is not going anywhere but we can change the issues with guns.
No one needs a gun to kill
But most of the time one does need a gun to kill 5 people or more.

And your right guns can be brought from the black market but if there were tougher gun laws most people wouldnt want to buy a gun either way. In my opinion there should be a law where as if someone is caught with a gun, rifle or anything they should automatically receive a lengthy prison sentence and I bet that you will see a change in gun violence.
Btw I dont think buying drugs should be compared to buying guns. Drugs arent killing innocent people and kids all at once.

- Scorpion - 04-26-2013 10:21 AM

too long didnt read u libera schmuck.

- wrfine - 04-26-2013 10:24 AM

Stop and think for a minute? Does one need a Gun to kill?

- Bronco - 04-26-2013 10:35 AM

So with that logic people don't make themselves fat its the forks fault?

- willie mammoth - 04-26-2013 10:42 AM

chicago has banned handguns since 1982 yet it have about 300 gun related murders this year
gangs criminals and nut jobs will always find a gun

- Sam - 04-26-2013 10:45 AM

There is no problem with guns, just crazy people. If I was a maniac I would find a way to get a gun if it was illegal. So your argument is invalid. If I wanted to kill someone Nd I couldn't get a gun I would buy it from the black market. Drugs are illegal but that doesn't stop people from using them!

- S - 04-26-2013 10:56 AM

I want to answer your question with a question. Has the banning of illegal substances gotten drugs off the streets? I'm thinking no, so banning guns only takes guns away from the people who would be willing to follow the law, right? The ones who would be left with the guns are the CRIMINALS, and the law abiding people would be defenseless.

- Trumpet Warrior - 04-26-2013 11:06 AM

people with guns kill people

- mopar mike - 04-26-2013 11:08 AM

Because it's the intention behind the weapon. Not the weapon itself. If I didn't have a gun. I could still come over your house and burn it down with gasoline with you and your family in it. If such a thing became a problem. Would we then ban gasoline ?

Or what if people started getting in their cars and running over school kids or people. Would we then ban cars ?

Of course not. Why ? Because people use gasoline and cars to run their cars and other legitimate uses. Just like most people use guns for legitimate uses. You can't go banning things and taking rights away because one nut case misuses those rights.

No it would not cause a shootout. Most people I know who carry a gun know how to use it. Besides that. What's better. A crazy gunmen firing on kids with no one to stop them ? Or a man taking a chance of firing back at the person and killing them and MAYBE wounding someone Innocent in the process ?

There would be a much lesser chance of a kid getting killed in a shootout than if a a shooter was intentionally trying to aim at and kill the kid.

Edit: Sounds to me you're talking about being tough on crime. US conservatives are all for that. But unfortunately liberals want nothing to do with it. Punishing or disciplining criminals or misbehavior of any kind is a no no in a liberals book.

It may damage their self esteem.

- zuma - 04-26-2013 11:18 AM

Pied Pipers of hate Mongering propaganda , work defective people into a frenzy , no different than a "Manchurian Candidate of hate filled Zombie.

You want to blame someone
Blame i it, on the idiot s on this board, and their so-called righteous leader sean 0-hannity

Notice they stop at their patented memorized answer,.. but never have an alternative remedy