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How do you Save a Facebook Page as a PDF file? - Printable Version

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How do you Save a Facebook Page as a PDF file? - ThisIsADisplayName - 04-26-2013 12:15 PM

Before you answer this, please actually try your method as i have exhausted all methods I could think of... Be it File > Save As... Or the multitude of browser ad-ons for many browsers... Either way i try it, i only download a PDF of the Log in page, although i am already logged in...

- CenobitesForever - 04-26-2013 12:20 PM

Can't think of a direct way.

Try saving the page as an image and using a PDF printer (sends stuff to a PDF document rather than a printer when you print) such as CutePDF (free download).

- Happyalarm884 - 04-26-2013 12:29 PM

If you have Adobe Acrobat:

1. Open Adobe Acrobat
2. On the menu bar, click "Create"
3. On the drop down menu, click "PDF from Web Page..."
4. A pop up will appear... Copy the address of the URL you want to convert into the window that says "URL"
5. Click "Create"