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every time i click a result on google it brings me to something else? - Printable Version

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every time i click a result on google it brings me to something else? - Tommy Vaughn - 04-26-2013 04:58 PM

alright McAfree on my computer said i have no internet protection, and that a website is harmful to my computer, the website is by wich i accedentally clicked on facebook for a stupid photo i couldnt see- so ever sinse, every time i google something it gives me all of the results as usual- and then when i click the result it brings me to a completly different website that doesnt relate at all, and then shows me things that their selling and tries to get my credit card number- wtf is happening? does google do that now because google is good at changing everything and ruining good websites like youtube?

- Tony - 04-26-2013 05:02 PM

your computer is infected

- Brad - 04-26-2013 05:14 PM

1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Click on tools.
3. Click on Internet Options from the menu.
4. Advanced Tab
5. Click RESET Button.


*Please create a restore point before following this procedure.

1. Navigate to C:\Windows\system32
2. Sort each file by date with most recent being on top.
3. Look at each of the file names, I cannot tell you which ones are bad or good but if for example you see some weird nonsense file names like sklxxvx.dll or something along those lines, it most likely is bad.
4. Most important, DO NOT DELETE ANY OF THE FILES!!
5. Find the "nonsense" files and simply add a different another extension to it such as The ".dot" will render the file useless.

if u need any more help contact me at

- Pulsar - 04-26-2013 05:26 PM

McAfee is crap for a fee.

it is completely useless.

get a real anti virus system,
you have a redirect virus infection,
possibly a rootkit.

some tools you can use to help you remove it are.

AdwCleaner >

Portable Scanner Technicians Edition >

TDSSKiller >

Hitman pro >

(this one is a direct download link)
Dr Web cure it >


- Richard James - 04-26-2013 05:28 PM


Remove it as shown above. Or use other free tools to do the same.