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Girls!!!!!! can you help me with this girl? - Printable Version

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Girls!!!!!! can you help me with this girl? - Carter - 04-26-2013 08:26 PM

so i have known this girl for 7 years now and im in grade 9. Since i knows her we have been great friends. I never really started to have strong feelings for her until grade 7. I like her and i have reasons to think she likes me. She ALWAYS comments on everything i say like hanging of my words, she laughs at EVERYTHING I SAY EVEN IF I LOOK AT HER,she even played with my hair a few times, hits me in the arms all the time and she puts her head on my shoulder, she wants my attention big time, she calls me a nickname ( note my close friends do it too but she does it alot and she giggles when she says it), wants me to get everything for her, she likes to help me with some stuff even when i dont want it, sometimes are knees are always up aginst each other and she wants me to wait for her all the time and we make a lot of eye contact. My friend asked her the other day if she liked me and she said yes as a friend but then she giggled and laughed and i felt and bullet go through my heart but yeah she does all this stuff with me and today she asked if she could live with me while were going to university and i said yes and then my friend asked her if she would go on a date with me and she said yes. This really seems strange to me please help and note she has a BF but he uses her for sex and is a idiot. She also seems to like to get me do get things for her or help her out and she helps me with my work aswel and today ,my friend asked if she cared if i dated anyone else and she said no but she was twirling her hair to get my attention and she likes to sit next to me in class and she likes to take things away from me and hide them or gets my attention so i have to go over and get it from her and i asked her around a bunch of people including the other guy besides her BF that i think she likes and told her i wasnt gonna be here forever and that im not gonna be the fourth wheel ( i was including the other guy that i thinks she likes) and she said i dont like him ( the other guy ) but then someone spoke up and said to her that she liked me and she blushed and put her head down in shyness but she is very outgoing so i think i struck her nerve then i went over and sat with another girl to see how she would react ad she started to get pissy and told me to come back over but i never then she started to flirt with the other guy to get my attention. Her current boyfriend use to date her and he used her but now he seemed to have smartened up but its seems if she is not happy with the relationship and my friend also notices it and today i was tormenting her that i wasnt coming to school tomorrow and she started imitating my voice and said im not coming to school tomorrow so im not gonna be able to flirt with her but then i started to imitate her and said that i flirt with my friend more then boyfriend and i made her laugh really hard and she started to poke me with a pencil and play with my hair for 2 minutes. we havent talked since christmas break and she posted merry christmas on my wall and she ws the only one who did it and she posted a picture of me along time ago on my facebook just recently and said how i was a treassure back then .She is a little bit out of my league and i have only been with 1 girl in my life so thats why im asking you guys

- Nick Brown - 04-26-2013 08:37 PM

Sounds like you better make a move before you are permanently locked in the Friend Zone..

- hope - 04-26-2013 08:39 PM

I think you should just ask her out. Dude, she totally like you! Good luck!

- Pamela - 04-26-2013 08:41 PM

I think she likes you a bunch and you should definitely go for her! Wink

- Destiny Monique - 04-26-2013 08:49 PM

she trys to get your attention,plays with your hair, said she would go on a date with you, always likes to sit next to you,takes your stuff from you so you could get it from her.. yea she likes you....if you like her and she likes you maybe you guys should go out