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Is CM Punk vs Stone Cold Steve Austin getting closer to actually happening? - Printable Version

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Is CM Punk vs Stone Cold Steve Austin getting closer to actually happening? - Gary - 10-12-2012 08:22 AM

It's been documented how CM Punk and Stone Cold Steve Austin have taken jabs at each other over the past couple of years, from Social Media to little skits when Austin's been on Raw. But that's all they've been, little jabs, but last night on Raw it felt different. Punk took a couple of jabs but Punk actually "challenged" Austin to come out in an indirect way when he told JR, "don't expect Stone Cold to come out and save you."
Maybe I've read too much into it, but I have a gut feeling that somewhere down the line, Austin has told WWE that he would be prepared to face CM Punk.
Thoughts? Would you like to see CM Punk vs Stone Cold Steve Austin?

- CrazyDestroyer675 - 10-12-2012 08:31 AM

Man if that happened I would be down to pay money to see that.
I felt that vibe just as much as you did. I think they are working on
something that involves both Punk and Stone Cold.
Punk vs Stone Cold could've happened this year and last year but
it just didn't live up to its hype and i think the WWE is finally realizing
they made a mistake by going with the Rock vs Cena rather than
Punk vs Stone Cold. But hopefully they both can work it out up to
next year's wrestlemania.

- ? - 10-12-2012 08:31 AM

Would love to see Punk vs Austin, but only if Punk wins. Punk has to win especially if he loses to Rock at Royal Rumble. Austin is done, Punk will still be around tomorrow. If they had a match it'd help Punk more than it'd hurt Austin if Punk won. If he could beat him and Rock. he could say best in the world for sure. Punk has to win if it happens. For the same reason that Orton should have beaten Hogan.

- Avinash - 10-12-2012 08:31 AM

Its a possible match at either WrestleMania 29 or WrestleMania 30.Austin needs to have sone in-ring time.Only if he is still able to wrestle,will he compete in at least one more match.
I would love to see this match.

- Beauti - 10-12-2012 08:31 AM

Yes, yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes, yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes, yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes, yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes, yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes, yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes, yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes, yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes, yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes, yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes, yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes, yes yes yes yes yes yes

- Loser - 10-12-2012 08:31 AM

Doubtful because of Austin and his neck they wouldnt do it

- Roronoa Zoro - 10-12-2012 08:31 AM

I have also noticed this to, I believe the WWE is either toying with the long life fans or our trying to give hints that Austin will come back.

It very hard to interpret what the actually message is when Punk talks about Austin, is he calling him out or just using him as an example as to show how the mighty have fallen, meaning Punk is the face of controversy, he is the face of Pro Wrestling.

I personally would love to see Austin vs Punk. It is a fan's dream match to see this fight. And coming up to Wrestlemania 29 the WWE has to try an top off WM 28 which went down in history as one of the most watched and liked Wrestlemania's of all time.

- Moneybags - 10-12-2012 08:31 AM

I think it should not be WM 30. I mean they have Cena vs Rock 2 - Taker vs Brock. Adding Punk vs Austin would be great for Wm 29 but if they waited until WM 30 in Dallas Cowboys staduim.

WM 30:
Austin vs Punk
Cena vs Taker
Brock vs Rock - What a line up it would be.

- Moe Money - 10-12-2012 08:31 AM

It would be the ultimate dream match, but I don't think Austin can do it anymore. Seeing his neck and knee problems, plus his back problems from all of those years of stunning people, he would probably wind up like Hogan if he tried to wrestle again. The reason he quit was because he didn't want this to happen.

They have been hinting it greatly during a few of his promos, but this match would never happen. If it could, then it would have already happened.

IF he is able to still wrestle, and if he challenged Punk, then one way or another I AM SEEING THAT MATCH.

- Mr. Lipshitz - 10-12-2012 08:31 AM

No, but it is so obvious that Cm Punk, or maybe WWE, wants this match to happen, Punk keeps bringing up Austin's name, I'm a little doubtful on this match actually happening but you never know!