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How to use facebook ads voucher with paypal ? - Printable Version

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How to use facebook ads voucher with paypal ? - Shafeeq ts - 04-26-2013 11:52 PM

*I have no credit card.
*any other way to pay facebook ads.
*anyone can share video tutorial.

Special more thanks for help me.

- Ladonna R - 04-26-2013 11:59 PM​ASco4G4D7TA0NEBvMuauBXd48IGCAAQASCe68UOKAJQtePE6P3_____AWDJ1uaM5KSsE6AB6Iuz_wPIA​QGqBCBP0E0bIr0Sf4GIgJQrhV0afV9Whj0WfW5Fmc7vcZaHnqAGGsgGpOfgixWAB4D0TA%26sig%3DAO​​253Fv%253DgsZcFC-yuFM%2526feature%253Dpyv%2526ad%253D5661799332%2526kw%253Dpaypal%26ctype%3D21%26​video_id%3DgsZcFC-yuFM&adtype=pyv&event=ad&adpos=bottom&usg=viiCg0kPFVBQ-RUdQuV7ZQEcaxk=