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How to tell if a shy girl likes you? - Printable Version

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How to tell if a shy girl likes you? - Michael - 04-27-2013 04:58 AM

So please tell me, how can you tell if a shy girl likes you? What types of things do they do to hint you? How do they act towards you? What do they do they other girls dont? What kinds of personalities do they have, like are some outgoing with others but shy around the one they like? And everything else I should know about a shy girl. Please, and Thanks Guys.

- cocopink - 04-27-2013 05:06 AM

They are unlikely to talk to you but If they do they will mess up their words and awkwardly giggle..Thwy will stare ALOT

- Dinky - 04-27-2013 05:15 AM

It is difficult, but if she looks at you often and smiles, makes excuses to be around you, Likes being where you are.

- itsk - 04-27-2013 05:16 AM

I'm a shy girl and I avoid guys I like. I try to make it seem like I have no interest in them. If they talk to me I talk back but like a friend. I sometimes glance at them but really quickly so they don't see. I usually muck up what I'm saying or stammer or act nervous by accident around them though. SIGH

- Mafis - 04-27-2013 05:30 AM

they will stare at you without you realising..

- gitu - 04-27-2013 05:32 AM

she'll keep looking at you when you are not looking..will avoid eye contact and seem cautious when you are around.
also if u go talk to her she might be sweet and talk. it takes time for shy people to open up but once they do they talk and they can be fun too, you may enjoy their company a lot and yeah don't take her for granted she might surprise you at times Smile
good luck.

- Valerie44 - 04-27-2013 05:41 AM

HeySmile I am shy! But I still talk a lot Big Grin some signs are that they will stare at you, and when you look back at them,the immediately turn away. Lol that's what I do! And they will smile at you, but not really at the person she likes. And she won't meet your eyes when you talk to her. And yeah that's about I remember from watching a video off of YouTube Smile

- Banana Manna - 04-27-2013 05:47 AM

This question made me giggle, it's so cute! Anyway, I myself am a shy girl so I think I can help you. When I like a guy I will try to talk to him in subtle ways about anything and everything I possibly can. Just like outgoing girls, shy girls will most likely try to talk to you. Whether it be through a social media site, texting, or (this can be rare) face-to-face. It really just depends on the girl. As for signs, I generally am really nice to the guy. I try to give him advice & talk to him as much as possible without being annoying. I will go out of my way to talk to him & try to keep the conversation going by asking questions. Some girls can be outgoing but tend to be shy around the guy they like, however, that's not what I do. Sometimes I will drop hints by saying things that suggest I want to hang out or by using Wink faces. But really it all depends on the girl. Feel freeto email me with specific scenarios/questions! Good luck!

- Lauren - 04-27-2013 05:51 AM

1. shy girls like you if they blush when they see you and they dont stare into your eyes when they are talking to you.
2. they dont really hint you, but they might smile more when they are around you.
3.they act nicer and sweeter.
4.they are the same as any other girls except they are just shy.
5.they can be very outgoing if you get to know them.

- Rose - 04-27-2013 06:03 AM

They look at you and look away a lot. A lot!!! They won't go up and talk to you, but they will be around you a lot. They will face you while doing something like talking w/ their friends(this is natural). They try to seem cool around you. Trust me, I'm shy and I do all of these things.