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Was it love at first sight for him? best answer 10 points, please answer.? - Printable Version

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Was it love at first sight for him? best answer 10 points, please answer.? - Lucy - 04-27-2013 10:49 AM

we've only met 3 times but we've been talking over facebook/phone/texting for about a
year, he says he likes me but today he came over and he swiched on his phone and he had a picture of me as his screen wall paper. Also when his drunk he says he loves me and you know what they say a drunken mind speaks a sober heart and when his around me he cant stop smiling and seems really happy but at the same time abit nervous. Today he met my parents and brother and everything went really good and I'm going to be seeing him alot more in person, when he was with me he kept touching my foot with his foot and he kept sitting really close to me, i know he likes me because his told me and i like him too but i think his feelings may be abit stronger for me than what mine are for him.... what do you's think?

- Angela - 04-27-2013 10:55 AM

What does it matter? Just enjoy the fun and don't dwell on this . What are you going to bring to the relationship ? Do you care about him and if you don't know , carry on and wait until you find out! Enjoy!

- Polly - 04-27-2013 11:07 AM

Yes he does like you but he is just to scared to make big moves like will you come to the movies with me like to ask you out on a date. Ad the fact that he has as his home screen tells you that he thinks about you a lot and really has an obsession with you so try to be more like he does with him before he moves on and you should defiantly try to be with him so good luck Smile

Please answer mine