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What is wrong with American culture? Opinions? - Printable Version

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What is wrong with American culture? Opinions? - Anthony - 04-27-2013 12:27 PM

At only 22, I already feel irrelevant. So many people seem so wrapped up in themselves. I'd like to make a clever joke and call them even "tightly wound", but this new-found majority would argue that description suits me better. It's so easy to just say that times are changing, but it's also a dangerous cliche. It's an apathetic stance that stands in stark contrast to the problems that face our generation.

All the foundations of a civilized society are crumbling, from how we view education to how we spend our free time. The classroom has become unwashed. It is absolutely not the place for religion or politics. It's a place for knowledge and self-discovery - not brainwashing. At this point, many seem to believe education is about training for a career! What a joke! As far as free time is concerned, the quality of all forms of media have suffered. Long gone are the days of imaginative movies, novel television shows, exhibitions of free speech in popular music, and truly original and creative video games. The last time I was truly entertained was before 9/11. People rally around memes and they worship anyone who does anything even mildly interesting as if they were gods. This defeatist attitude extends only until it comes time to feed the masturbatory habit of self-narration so many indulge in known as "social media". There, they aggrandize themselves to the point of vulgarity and the circle-jerk of "modern" life is complete. Hilariously enough, society misses the point again and blames technology instead of themselves.

Despite my feelings, I know I'm not the one with the problem. Our culture has only become irrelevant to itself.

Does anyone else have an opinion?
rephrase: "Despite my feelings of irrelevance, I know I'm not the one with the problem."
Ignorance is bliss, isn't it Rando?
Guns are not the problem. What's with all the canned answers? Surely, none of you can seriously believe such simple-minded thoughts! I hate this site!

- fatMercenary268 - 04-27-2013 12:35 PM

The only thing wrong with American culture is the fucking illegal immigrants stomping all over it.

- Jijo - 04-27-2013 12:49 PM

An american wife to her husb:

"do you see this.? your children and my children together is beating our children."

soo beautiful culture.

- Coxy - 04-27-2013 12:51 PM

* Guns
* That NO one in america (apart from Bill Maher) knows what socialism is
* Guns
* Guns
* Teabaggers
* More Guns
* Waxed fruit
* Gun nuts
* Stroids in meat
* Nothing but ready meals
* Chocolate covered pieces of chocolate for breakfast
* Guns
* Peanuts in everything
* HFCS in everything
* Super super super size everything
* Sarah palin
* Teabaggers
* Keeping everything in a fridge, even eggs, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots... a fridge is for dairy products - it's not a cupboard
* Guns

- Conan Edogawa - 04-27-2013 12:57 PM

Consumerism and letting the multinationals run everything,

- Τάκης - 04-27-2013 01:06 PM

Well, an experiment can take either a good turn, a bad turn, an excellent turn, or a catastrophic turn.

- Davids - 04-27-2013 01:17 PM

What is wrong with American culture?

Wow. Let me count the way, nope, can't be done.

There IS a lot right with it, really there is. I live here, born and raised, but your right.

It needs to be taken in balance though if you want to look at the dark side (which IS the more obvious side). At 22 you are looking at issues different than your parents faced. Your parents generation is the Lost Generation, not whatever they liked to call themselves. And their parents, don't get me started. Psychology came into vogue then and swept it off it's feet aka foundations.

That's really what sank our federal treasury, the national purse, Psychology and Wars. Well Psychology and it's sister Feminism. See, equal rights and feminism are not one and the same thing. There was the civil rights movement so women naturally wanted their own equal rights too. Much of that came from the black and other exploited women who knowing to stand up for their rights as racial minority thought, hey, my female side has just as much right. But Feminism really has sold female superiority instead. Police let the "experts" teach them to abdicate their role to protect abused females/wives to feminists instead. Nothing got solved, an epidemic of divorce broke out instead. Like that wouldn't hurt the children? It's sick. Psychology is our new national "faith" aka belief system and "Freud have mercy" if you don't want to entrust your whole life to it's doctrines and bibles.

It's going down, the US, I mean. That doesn't mean that it's not a better place to live than say Egypt right now. For many it still is and will remain so. Hey, it's better than Sudan unless you're just sure being a pirate is the goal of your life. Great Britain used to rule the waves and something like half the planet. And not always well either. They had some truly unspeakable practises at home at the same time too. But it was the place to be rich and the rich can give their children lives that are hard to even find in great poverty.

When your parents were born, the shameless display of most of the human body was not for all to see in the grocery store check out line. If your parents were bed pictures like that it was considered (rightly) a form of sexual abuse of a minor. Now, we get lots more than that on afternoon TV. You grew up on that, your grandparents didn't. THIS is why Islam with it's rules against such things is growing everywhere, when part of a society goes off the deep end, some try to compensate. The Dems and Reps have gone the way of the American family, "mom" and "dad" are no longer living together and can't get along but right now only talk to keep the kids from being homeless because there are no grandparents. Each believes they are doing business with the Devil. A house divided really can not stand. If this had all happened quickly instead of insidiously, you'd see it differently and make cognisant choices about not only how to survive it but better choices about how you wish to live IN this country (or may outside of it, but where?).

At 22, you need extra help. All 20's do. All humans do. The US is a dangerous country, no doubt about that. Talk to Jesus. He is the Way in every country, under every rule, in every century.

He is called The Rock because the foundations (really) under God can not be moved. The US slid off it's foundations (they are not just crumbling) a long time ago. And the US is way too big for any man, woman, group, or nation, to lift up and reset back on solid foundations. Only God can do such a thing.

But you, you can chose rightly, for you, even maybe for a family of your own. You CAN have a good life (even here).