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Should I use social media...? NEED OPINIONS PLEEEASE! :)? - Printable Version

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Should I use social media...? NEED OPINIONS PLEEEASE! :)? - ♫♪musiclover♪♫ :) - 10-12-2012 08:23 AM

Hey! I'm a 16 year old girl with a big dream. I'm trying for a record deal, but I have never had a Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc... cause I wanted to hold off. Sometimes companies look at you differently if you don't have any social media, so I was going to wait until after I had actually tried a couple times for a deal. But now I'm debating whether or not I should get myself out there. On twitter, youtube, etc...Do you think it could hurt? Or would it only be able to benefit me? Any opinions are helpful, thank you for reading!

PS- I know, I know, getting a deal and becoming big isn't as easy as it seems, so believe me, I know.

- Natalie - 10-12-2012 08:32 AM

Get a YouTube and a Facebook PAGE. Not a profile. I'll subscribe, I'm omgorangebubbles123. Catch you on the radioWink

- Xanza - 10-12-2012 08:32 AM

Don't trust what you see on TV. Record companies won't even listen to you unless you're pretty well established. To range what 'established' means, they usually scope social media. So yes, you should get out there and do some networking. For something like this, stay away from facebook. You should look into Tumblr, and Twitter. With twitter it's easiest to get a large number of followers due to the low impact of actually following someone. With Tumblr you can release images, videos, and even run it like a blog.

The most I suggest you do on Facebook is register your page, (so no one else can) so you can start to accumulate 'likes'. But, you SHOULD snatch up accounts (when you choose a name) from every social media outlet. You never know what you'll need in the future, and it helps if all your names are in unison.

- Matthew - 10-12-2012 08:32 AM

I recommend staying away from Social Networks, however, using you tube to record yourself is okay. Also, if you are really interested by using the new you tube promote you can pay for your video to be seen all across you tube.

Just go to

But, stay away from the facebook/twiiter stuff.

Good luck on your dream!