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GS Studies: How do you deal with 'hate mail'? - Printable Version

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GS Studies: How do you deal with 'hate mail'? - Halo - 04-27-2013 05:24 PM

anywhere on the internet: social media, email, personal blogs, etc?? particularly for being a feminist?

( I recently discovered someone accessed my blog via my yahoo profile and left me anonymous hate. which was personal not political. Thankfully, I have an IP tracker. Sooo shout out to you. I know you live in Urbana, Illinois and you are really uncreative Smile haha. There is no anonymity on the internet!)
I know I dont post hate speech. I dont attack peoples personal lives, only their political beliefs.
@korean ninja That sounds like a lot of work!

- I am not a crook - 04-27-2013 05:40 PM

It wasn't me. I usually leave perverted messages.

- Igog - 04-27-2013 05:54 PM

Ignore it.

- steepboot326 - 04-27-2013 06:03 PM

I usually stalk the person and troll the living hell out of them, mostly because I have a sick sense of humor and in this way can justify taking a victim!

Also, trust me, even without an IP-tracker it's not that hard to figure out who people are. I've followed some people onto other sites just by pretending to befriend them on another account then using the troll version to stab them in the back.

- SGM - 04-27-2013 06:18 PM

I politely state my argument on the issue (including sources) and then ask them to give their argument on each issue. They never write back because they, as you said, are just sending hate mail instead of "debate" mail.

- O.o - 04-27-2013 06:19 PM

What bout dat?

That is odd, that they felt the need to personally insult a stranger. They must really dislike you, to go to all that effort, I'd say you should feel proud or something, or at least amused.

Well, no one has yelled at me for being a feminist, because I am not one. People sometimes respond poorly to me being a capitalist... That's really funny, coming from people that support capitalism all the time... and not even in a good way. I respond by rethinking, if they have a valid point.
When someone says something rather negative or hateful to me I naturally reflect on myself, to see if I did anything wrong. If I didn't, then I usually just find it humorous. The other day I asked a question and got an angry answer or two, but both were being so ridiculous that I just laughed and responded with light teasing and hopefully prompted them to rethink.
I think I often respond to negativity by saying stupid things out of apathy or fun and/or reasoning with people that probably won't respond to reason.

No one has ever really chewed me out, perhaps once, and I don't really care if some anonymous loser doesn't like me.

- BohemianDreams - 04-27-2013 06:24 PM

I dont receive hate mail cause i usually know when to shut up.

I have my own opinions but there is not point in shoving them down other peoples throat

Also... i can just block the hate mail... I usually get phone calls from psycho ex girlfriends...but i block those too

I dont like drama ...therefor i dont encourage it....which is what you are doing btw

- lazybones - 04-27-2013 06:34 PM

Have yet to get any real hate mail but the 'delete' button is there if I do.

Attacking someone's political beliefs is still a personal attack. Challenging another persons political stance is one thing but to attack a belief, even by language used, goes beyond impersonal.

- Granny Tea - 04-27-2013 06:38 PM

I would just block them. Life is too short to waste on communicating with jackholes who are going to hate you no matter what you do anyway.

- White Raven - 04-27-2013 06:45 PM

I ignore it. Generally, it is not only an ignorant and uninformed response, but replying accomplishes nothing and just invites more vitriol. If the person continues, I'll block them. If they find a way around it then other responses apply that are best left unsaid for now. Like KN, I have had to track and report someone to appropriate authorities.