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Week long dreams about ex's. Very detailed. What does this one mean? - Printable Version

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Week long dreams about ex's. Very detailed. What does this one mean? - *..-LoveJunkie-..* - 04-27-2013 07:21 PM

I've been having dream after dream about 2 of my ex's back to back. The one I had last night was disturbing to say the least.

Long story short, I received a video through a text from an unknown number and it was a video of my ex (who I was in love with and with for almost 3yrs) and this girl having sex (which ended up on facebook afterwards.)So I was pissed and disgusted of course. But what's really odd about the dream is that it was old bcuz the girl was murdered 2 weeks before I got the video.

So I'm just curious as to what the sex video and girl being murdered represents.

**Extra facts: we broke up over a year ago. I still love him but don't want him but he has been on my mind lately and I don't know if he's dating someone. We don't keep in touch.

Thanks in advance.

- Britney - 04-27-2013 07:32 PM

Ok weird but it could mean anything like if u have had a dream about killing her u could have its weird to say but it could have happend mabey u were ment to save her in real life or something. Or ur ex killed hed in ur dream if the event happends in real life cal ur ex and talk about it with him. Ik how exws r but just try and talk to him over the phone or something!!

- Sarah Mendes - 04-27-2013 07:38 PM

It coudl be a part of yoru old relationshop that you are trying to kill off?
He could be thinking about you too, thats why youve been dreaming about him and he has been on your mind.