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Should I admit it through a facebook app? - Printable Version

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Should I admit it through a facebook app? - b - 04-27-2013 10:29 PM

I've been using one of those question facebook apps (ya know where it asks those yes or no questions about your friends and you answer them) but while I was doing that, it asked me if I have a crush on this guy I've liked for a while. Should I say yes? This guy has called me "the ugliest girl in the world" to my face so I honestly don't understand why I like him. However I'm still wondering whether I should just admit it and see what comes of it.

- Jeniffer - 04-27-2013 10:33 PM

Best case scenario his friends all see it and torment him then he shows everyone at school and humiliates you. Why if he called you the ugliest girl in the world would you still want him? What happened to girls having self-esteem and standards?

- Xarrok - 04-27-2013 10:41 PM

If you want, its up to you.

- wikipeter. - 04-27-2013 10:54 PM

Yes, there maybe a slim chance he won't see it, for most people things like my friend secrets are an annoyance.

- Ashka - 04-27-2013 11:06 PM

No he sounds like a jerk and posting that will make him do something worse. I know that it's hard, you like him, but trust me you'll meet tons of guys that are nicer than him. You deserve better.

- RoseRed - 04-27-2013 11:19 PM


- pRiNcEsS AbBy - 04-27-2013 11:20 PM

if it was me, id say no