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What would you (or others) really like and want in/on a social media? - Printable Version

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What would you (or others) really like and want in/on a social media? - miss awesomeness - 10-12-2012 08:24 AM

As you know we have social medias like facebook and twitter but if someone were to start a new one.....what would you like and want on it? e.g. better privacy, more things to do (please be specific)

i'm asking this because i have to collect opinions from others about business ideas for gcse hw

- Sue Whee - 10-12-2012 08:32 AM

Being able to keep your friends separated from each other.

- Jay - 10-12-2012 08:32 AM

I think everyone has multiple persona's. What I mean by this is that you are a different person at work, than you are at home with your family, or out with your friends. Linken-In, is a social media platform for Business related social media. Facebook is seen as more community based. I think that Google plus has developed a way (using Circles) to seperate your circles of friends into different groups, so that you can "manage" your profile different across groups.

There are a lot of consolidation platforms... like Hoot Suite and Tweet Deck that consolidate your different social platforms into a dashboard. This is especially useful if you have multiple Twitter or FB accounts.

I think you should consider the the future of on-line activity, and look at how people consume the information. Many people rely on phones and tablets to consume their data streams, so how can this be streamlined to ensure that it can be consumed easily.