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How can I fix my Facebook? - Printable Version

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How can I fix my Facebook? - Livvie Condous - 04-28-2013 12:02 AM

My Facebook has suddenly begun to act strange, whenever I Log in all that comes up on any page is just the top blue bar, and nothing is underneath it.
I didn't do anything it just started to do this? Can it be fixed?
I have a Mac OS X if that helps.

- debijs - 04-28-2013 12:05 AM

~~If you do not have a current virus protection on you probably picked up a virus. If you have one you can have it scan your hard drive. If you do not, try a system restore to an earlier date when it was working, but do not go online again without a virus protector. The best in my opinion is McAffe, and use their online one, it always stays current.~~