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How to get a new facebook page recognized and liked by other people on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How to get a new facebook page recognized and liked by other people on Facebook? - David - 04-28-2013 02:00 AM

I created a new facebook page "Toronto Maple Leaf memes" and i only have four likes in about 5 days. And all those guys are my friends. I figured if there is nobody that will like it than i shouldnt waste my time and post memes. Could you guys give me some tips on how to get more people to like it? Or do me a HUGE favour and go like it on Facebook if you have an account. You dont have to though, but it would help a great load. Thanks to any who answer

- ViolentArtist386 - 04-28-2013 02:15 AM

Usually if people create pages with trending names, they pop up in the search result easily. For example, you could create a page with the name "dubstep paradise," since dubstep is trending, many people will like the page anyway. The only way to promote a page with a unique name is by spamming other people and pages, which is, you know, annoying. Well good luck!