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Why is this girl being so mean to me? - Printable Version

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Why is this girl being so mean to me? - HiyaHolly - 04-28-2013 04:28 AM

This will be long guys, but please stay with me. My boyfriend and I have been dating for about 6 months now. He's really a great guy, but he has a horrible past. He had a fling with this girl last year that had a boyfriend the whole time. She led him onto the point where they had sex, and at that point my boyfriend knew she had a relationship--but did it anyway. I met him a few months after this happened, him and her were still talking. I slowly helped him get over the situation and realize there's a girl out there that wants a relationship, not a toy. He became my best friend and I eventually got him to delete her Facebook, number, everything in an attempt to help him move on. Ever since then this girl has tried to make my life hell. I'm a senior in high school, she's a junior. I have never done anything to her but become friends with her "mistress" and start a relationship. She'll call me awful names and spread lies about my boyfriend. This girl in my class always has something to tell me about the drama from this chick, and makes me feel manipulated towards my boyfriend, like I don't trust him. I know he doesn't want this girl, he's seen there's better and that he deserves it. I just don't understand what all the bullying is about. She never says anything to my face and can barely make eye contact. She'll call me ugly, and it just makes me feel low. We have three months and we're graduating, but I just want out! I want my boyfriend to be able to be happy with me, and I hate letting this bother me. What is her problem? What should I do? She's spreading around that my boyfriend messaged her on Facebook asking her out again while she's still dating that same guy.. Good lord. For one, they never dated, she just USED him. I'm so angry and hurt. It makes me sick to think about what he did with her, but that's why it's called the past.

- Marina del Rey - 04-28-2013 04:43 AM

children act like her often you are leaving school so just ignore her and other commentss or just ay whatever Huggles