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Should I be embarrassed? 5 points? - Printable Version

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Should I be embarrassed? 5 points? - Allie - 04-28-2013 07:04 AM

So there's this guy, and I've known him for 3 years, 2 years ago, during the summer , I texted him like maybe 3 times but that was because I was just bored and they were at way separate times during the summer not in same the day or anything. I didn't have a crush on him then, but when we got back to school that fall he was talking to some people about how his phone was lost all summer and when he found it he saw i texted him like 3times. I got SO embarrassed ad i promised myself I wouldn't let that happen again with anyone. So about 2 weeks ago, because I like him now, I messages him on Facebook and he messaged back so I didn't think that he would think I was like obsessive bexause I promise you I'm not like that! So I texted him yesterday and he didnt txt back and I'm REALLY embarrassed that he's gonna tell everyone what I did just like 2 years ago! should I act like it was no big deal, I mean why would he be that shallow to tell everyone that , all I said was hey. I don't see how being friendly is a crime, help I don't know what im gonna do when I see him after break because we're shy around eah other anyway

- kaiteyy(: - 04-28-2013 07:06 AM

Don't be embarrassed. That's stupid. It's no big deal that you texted him 3 times over the summer. I text people waaay more than that and they don't care.

- john - 04-28-2013 07:14 AM

No big deal he is prob just scared and if he no respond that's his loss

- Marie - 04-28-2013 07:20 AM

Chill out. Finding 3 texts from you is not a big deal, he probably had a billion texts by the time he turned on his phone from friends and stuff. Unless he's stupid, he won't go around telling people something that unimportant.