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Was this guy me cyber bullying on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Was this guy me cyber bullying on Facebook? - Michael - 04-28-2013 07:13 AM

I was on this page on Facebook called, "Extreme Sports Debate" and I decided to delete my comments on the page because I felt attacked. One of the admins started calling me a pussy & pathetic and asked,"are gonna cry bitch" because I deleted the comments and I didn't want it to continue any longer but even now the attacks continue. What do I do? I'm trying hard not to ignore him but It's getting hard not now.

- john - 04-28-2013 07:20 AM

Block him

- Suretta - 04-28-2013 07:31 AM

On your home page, go to your Toolbar. Next to "Home" there is an icon. Click the one that says "How Do I Stop Someone From Bothering Me." Then, at the same button, click on Advanced Settings and change those, too.

At the gear icon (next to the one above), click Help and you'll get this:

Report a Problem
Send Feedback
Tell us about your Facebook experience
Report a Problem
Let us know about a broken feature
You can also Report Abuse or Policy Violations

Click on the appropriate link and give them as much information as you can.

I assume you were talking about the page with about 8,000 friends? I believe I saw some of the comments.

The first thing you need to do is 1) remove your posts, 2) block the page, 3) UNLIKE the page, 4) review your profile to ensure there is no identifying info, such as your full name, address, phone number, IM screen name, etc. You can mark those to be "unseen" on your Edit Profile Page.

You can also have your parents (not you) go to the site and click MESSAGE. In the text box they can forcefully request that the insults and comments stop, or they will take further action.


Cyber bullying is a crime.