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Why do Atheists hate Religion? - Printable Version

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Why do Atheists hate Religion? - Dil - 04-28-2013 07:47 AM

Christianity has become the Justin Bieber of religion. If you don't hate it then you are outside the social norm. I appreciate that people like to think for themselves. I'm glad that Atheists have chosen to be Atheists. I'm glad that people choose what they want to believe. More power to them, but why are those who choose to have faith in something viewed as idiots, brainwashed, and irrational?

It's rude, obnoxious, and simply unnecessary.
@China: lol u tk him2 da bar?

- Mi-Yun - 04-28-2013 07:52 AM

Why don't you have a profile picture?

- Lucy MYOB - 04-28-2013 08:03 AM

I don't hate religion - but I do not like most religious people especially the kind you find here on YA. They are not loving and kind - they are mean-spirited and hateful.

- Michael - 04-28-2013 08:18 AM

Because, just like the terms of use for software programs, most people simply read the first paragraph and skip to the end of their holy book and click "Agree".

- Jolly Good Giggle! - 04-28-2013 08:31 AM

Totally agree! It's seems as though on here it's 'cool' to make sarcastic comments because it gets them 50million thumbs up or something. People assume we don't think or function, but I know many people (myself included) who provide many things for society. Christians can make doctors, lawyers, students etc. Being Christian does not make you 'dumb'. What makes someone 'dumb' is whether or not they actually think about the world, I think. I think a terrible amount about reality and science and everything else, and choosing to believe that something else is up there (because let's face it, where is the solid scientific evidence proving how life began as of yet?) makes sense to me. Most people are accepting anyway, it's only on the internet where it gets like this. Try not to take it too seriously, take it as a joke or something. That's what I do!

- Nuodas - 04-28-2013 08:39 AM

Maybe we all just want to help the other side to find the real truth in which we believe by insulting their choise, so they would understand their fault.
Another factor is that people in general don't like others that are different. This is true to many social groups, and to find an answer to this you should ask more generally: Why we hate different from us people?

- IRONDIAMOND - 04-28-2013 08:51 AM

As an agnostic I don't hate religion. My reasons for not following religion are the aforementioned absence of evidence, rational thought and a general cynical disposition.
I however believe that religion can be of great importance to those who need something to believe in. For those who find comfort in believing that there is support in something.
In my experience I have seen the importance in religion extends beyond a common belief in god. In terms of churches for example, the congregation can form a tight-knit community with meaningful social bonds.
I believe it is important in bringing people together regardless of whether the worship of a god is performed. It does no harm to anyone.

As for the percieved 'hatred'?
Perhaps it is more a societal mistrust of religion. In history religion has been designated as a reason for many conflicts. Even now religion appears in news headlines due to extremist terrorist attacks or instances of sectarian violence. Positive stories of religion rarely appear in the media so its possible to develop a subconcious suspicion towards those who practise religion by wrongly associating them with the minority on the news.
I can only speak for myself here but I do not object to people practising religion. So long as it doesn't harm anyone and as long as they don't attempt to force their beliefs on other people.
Everyone has the right to make their own mind up.

- Bast - 04-28-2013 09:02 AM

Because it is used to control, divide, teach people to not ask questions and to be satisfied with remaining ignorant. Because it's used to promote bigotry and discrimination. Because it gives us things like:

Anti-gay laws, homophobia, anti-gay hate crimes such as beatings/killings of gay people and bombings of gay night clubs.
Anti-choice laws, sl*t shaming of women who merely want to control their bodies, terrorizing women who seek reproductive health care, bombing of women's clinics.
Stifling of scientific progress
Child rape by clergy that is covered up, denied, and ignored by churches.
Demonization of atheists, discrimination against atheists, death threats against atheists, etc.
Mutilation of children's genitals because "god" commands it.
Prayer being forced on us with taxpayer dollars by government officials, taxpayer funded monuments to religion on public land, "faith based initiative" which funnels taxpayer money to religious groups.
Etc, etc, etc.

Yet we're made out to be the a-holes any time we question or challenge it.