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How to approach this guy through Facebook? - Printable Version

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How to approach this guy through Facebook? - southernbaby116 - 04-28-2013 09:14 AM

I've never met him before in my life, but apparently we've been friends on Facebook for awhile. Not only that, but he's friends with a guy I knew but didn't really hang out with and he graduated from my high school last year (so he's one year older than me)!

I saw a status on my news feed that he posted and I didn't recognize his name so I went to his profile. Lo and behold, he is basically everything I'm looking for in a guy and I want to message him but I don't know how to without being tacky and/or creepy.

I don't know if I want to start out saying how much I like him, I mean I could if it would work, but maybe just a conversation starter such as "Do I know you from somewhere? We're facebook friends but I don't think we've met." or something along those lines. Idk. This is why I came to you guys because I need advice.

He's seriously perfect for me. I don't want to mess it up. I can picture us dating, I just need to take the first step so he notices me. I also don't want to scare him off. It has to be through facebook because I have no other way of contacting him.

Thanks in advance! I need as much advice as I can get!! Smile

- Catherine - 04-28-2013 09:16 AM

If you do, be quick to arrange somewhere you can meet in person. Someone I had never talked to in my life asked me out over facebook and it was insanely weird. Make sure you get to know one another in person!

- Irene - 04-28-2013 09:23 AM

start with messaging him that his posts are really interesting. Thats how guys approach me.

- David - 04-28-2013 09:29 AM

Hmm. Just be subtle. Like a status or two, so he notices you, and then after some time say what you were gonna say. Like Hey, we're going to be magnificent friends so.. Just be funny and not creepy

- Forida - 04-28-2013 09:37 AM

Post "Hi! How do you know me?" Don't be cheesy and don't be formal, it's Facebook. If he doesn't know either, make a joke, mention the school..small talk...friends! Keep chatting, hang out, date!