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How to get laptop to enter high performance when plugged in? - Printable Version

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How to get laptop to enter high performance when plugged in? - Ben - 04-28-2013 11:27 AM

On my windows 7 laptop I play games etc when plugged in, and when on battery I normally only do work, web browsing and facebook. When plugged in I need it on high performance for gaming but when on battery I only need it on balanced. I would like to have a setting so that when I plug it in it will go into high performance and when I unplug it, it will go on balanced. I have managed to create a desktop shortcut for both the power plans so all I need is a program where I can set the computer to run a certain Program when plugged in and unplugged. Please help me to resolve this. I have tried task scheduler but it does not have the options for when plugged in and unplugged. I really need this as I forget to put it back into balanced when unplugged and when I go on a game I forget to put it high performance and then I have to quit the game and change it. Any help will be much appreciated. Best answer will be awarded points!!!
I want a setting so that it transfers automatically. I don't want to have to click on the battery icon to change modes.
I want a setting so that it transfers automatically. I don't want to have to click on the battery icon to change modes.

- Pulkit - 04-28-2013 11:28 AM

click on battery icon
open power options
advanced options
set high-performance ->OK

now , on clicking on battery-icon 'balanced' and 'high-performance' will appear as options

- pnb - 04-28-2013 11:38 AM

changing by Battery icon is only option,