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I told my bestfriend who i like and she wont reply? - Printable Version

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I told my bestfriend who i like and she wont reply? - Anne - 04-28-2013 12:11 PM

So i just told my bestfriend , who i like. i told her over facebook because she doesnt have a phone && i dont feel comfortable tellin her at school. anyway, it said she has seen my message && like an hour later she finally replied but she changed the subject. she was talking about her craving for taco bell. im so confused. why didnt she mention him. does she like hi'm? We have a past of liking the same boys & whenever she sees him shes like "oh look who it is !" . im really confused.

- Sweetaaay - 04-28-2013 12:25 PM

She probably also likes him

- Dasie - 04-28-2013 12:27 PM

Girl, there are like 300 million reasons. No one will really know, but if you're curious enough, ask her why it took her forever to reply after you told her who you like. Perhaps, likr ou said, it could be that she likes him, too. The only thing we rly know is that she wanted to change the subject.

If your crush has a facebook, you might be in trouble. She might've been telling him. Thank God if he doesn't. (But the bad part is that you can't atalk his account if he doesn't have one LOL) but yeah. There are too many reasons...

Rly hope this helped!

- Crista - 04-28-2013 12:34 PM

Yea....from what you've said with having a history of sounds like she might be into the same boy :/ and she's not replying since you ultimately called "dibs" now she can't make her move. Its cool she's just changing the subject rather than just not speaking to you. I'd give her a chance to tell you what's up. Maybe just straight up ask her if she does. A true bestie will be honest.