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What exactly is ANGEL FRALEY V. FACEBOOK, INC.? - Printable Version

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What exactly is ANGEL FRALEY V. FACEBOOK, INC.? - Monica Busekrus - 04-28-2013 12:36 PM

So, I got this notice that I may have been featured in a Sponsored Story on Facebook... what's that? and what's this all about?

- keyboard113 - 04-28-2013 12:37 PM

Just like you, I also got this notice. Base on what I understand, who got this notice mean they have been featured in a Sponsor Stories (the panel sometimes you see on the right hand of Facebook). If you fill a form, you may get $10 from Facebook, as it promised (the promise is that Facebook have to pay $10 for every person that got into Sponsor Stories or ads of Facebook). This was related to privacy, and I'm not sure if this information here was correct. The deadline is May 2013, so there's still time to research more.

Also, filling the form meaning you want to sue Facebook for putting you in the Sponsored Stories. Still, I don't know if this sentence is correct, it's just something I understand after reading the whole email.

- Lenny - 04-28-2013 12:53 PM

It's spam. Disregard it and just delete the message. Many users got it

- Kathleen Jahn - 04-28-2013 01:02 PM


Also, People just don't want you to collect $10 dollars, because Facebook had used your photos for advisement purposes.
But to be fair, the U.S. Government releases our 'digital driver license photos' (DMV photos) to the public all the time, but you can't lawsuit them!
