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Is the media portrayal of Muslim women a reasonable idea to base research on? - Printable Version

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Is the media portrayal of Muslim women a reasonable idea to base research on? - HumanPerfection - 04-28-2013 02:09 PM

I'm really interested in this and with recent high profile cases regarding muslim women in the media.. im feeling this idea Smile

But I want to try and link to politics too, but can't word it all together.

Medias coverage of Muslim women .. political views.

Any ideas? its for a dissertation. And is it also an area that can be researched into alot?

- anniki5 - 04-28-2013 02:19 PM

The portrayal of Muslim women in the media is DEFINITELY NOT a reliable source for research. This portrayal you see on tv is based on FALSE stereotypes. Think about it, since the United States does not have a positive relationship with Muslim-populated countries, do you really think that what you see on television is the true nature of Muslim women?

I would suggest studying Islam. You would get a better understanding of the REAL Muslim women.

- Kryops - 04-28-2013 02:30 PM

Okay the previous answerer said that the US does nat have good relations with muslim-populated countries. That is totally false information. I am Egyptian, and I know that the Egypt is one of the highest recipients of US funds in the world! We are in great relations with the USA and so is Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and Dubai etc. So ignore what that person said...

The only problem is the Media. The media just has a TOTALLY wrong impression. I personally know very few women who cover their heads, and the women here are just as free as the men. women have jobs and strong governmental and social positions and they drink alcohol and everything else any western woman does so here you go!

Smile Good luck with your work.

- Mahmoud - 04-28-2013 02:36 PM

kryops doesn't know what he is saying.
I AM EGYPTIAN. and i know that the main reason Egypt is being payed such high prices it to stop Egyptian's influence on Israel. that is why, although Egypt generally hates Israel's actions, they very rarely even condemn it.

Muslim women put this scarf as a sign of devotion to god. If she drinks ALCOHOL then SHE ISN'T MUSLIM!!! big difference between Muslim by heart and Muslim by name. Women do have just as equal job opportunities in Islamic countries and maybe more in the medical feilds. however, it is often men who are more favored in the judicial system because women can have different moods on different days depending on there unstable hormons. and can send a man to be executed one day and then the next a guy could be let free even if they did the same thing.