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Why does he treat me this way? please read and give advice im feeling so low :(? - Printable Version

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Why does he treat me this way? please read and give advice im feeling so low :(? - Tj - 04-28-2013 05:19 PM

Need advice! been with my bloke 5 months, right when i got with my boyfriend things have always been a bit firery and he has always been a bit worried because he seems to think 'he is punching above his own weight' so you would think he would try not to push me away but anyways here are a few things that have left me thinking and driving myself crazy over,when we first got together i went out drinking with a family member because my boyfriend text my mate which pissed me off and ever since that night he thinks i cheated which hand on my heart i didnt he constantly brings that up but since then i dont go out without him, i decided to delete my facebook/twitter and everyone from my phone book except him and my mum ( i no its not healthy but i dont mind it if it means him stopping but it doesnt) another time is my phone died when i was asleep once and the next morning he was accusing me of going out drinking when all i was doing was sleeping and he finished it i had to fight my hardest to get him back, also i was texting my mum the other evening when i was with him and the day after he started saying i had a number saved under L on my phone i dont no where he got that from though coz its only him and my mum in my phonebook.He now has got it in his head that i dont find him attractive any more and when i compliment him im just saying it to be nice but i really do think he is gorgeous and because one time he couldnt pleasure me ( by hand) but it was because i had fallen down the stairs earlier that day and was in pain and he knew that which leads me to another thing a few months ago (2-3 months) while we was having sex he hurt his penis he went to the docs and was told to let it get better for a few weeks but ever since it happened we have both been really tense about having sex again coz i dont want him to hurt it again which makes me tighten up and dry ( and im already quite tight) and he dont want to be thrusting really hard incase it happens again his doc says he is fine but its just hard when were both tense but we havent even tried for a while now,few more examples everytime we have an argument it will somehow be my fault no matter what is i will always be the one who is blamed he barely ever admits he is wrong and he also likes to bring so much stuff up from the past into the arguments and he also calls me horrible names during arguments and says im just using him for his money and coz he is a safe option ( not true tho coz im always worrying im going to lose him) all through december we was on a break which he decided i didnt even want it but i love him to much but he still saw me most days for 10-15 mins but he said its less stress then a relationship coz he isnt constantly trying to make me happy i really dont think its coz of another girl because everyone says he is punching above his own weight and when were good he takes me out sometimes n acts so sweet and caring .i get so upset sometimes because i think if he wasnt always accusing me or questioning me i think we could be a really good couple coz we are when he isnt doing it ive tried so many times to talk to him but he doesnt see my point he just thinks im nagging him and want things my way which i dont i see him when he wants to see me, i dont even like being without my phone incase he texts or rings and i dont answer coz i think he is going to kick of, a few times i have tried to walk away coz he cant be happy if he is constantly thinking bad things about me but we end up getting back together i just cant let him go i want to grow old with him, marry him and have his kids but not when he is like this but last time i said that he started going mad saying i dont want his kids no more, im 20 by the way and he is 28 most people will proberly say we aint right together but we have already been through alot i just need some adivce please just someone who understands what im saying as i dont have anyone to talk to i fell out with my mates before i met him because they left me on my own clubbing thats another story tho, so yeh please any advice will be a help thanks Smile He went back to being so nice for for the last few days but this morning he is back to making me feel like the bad one

- bravefruit671 - 04-28-2013 05:23 PM

Yr question is far too long. People haven`t got time to read it. You won`t get many - if any - answers. Make it a lot shorter.

- halo1 - 04-28-2013 05:36 PM

Too long

- BENTBUSH!! - 04-28-2013 05:40 PM

Too long, cut it short

- Hilary - 04-28-2013 05:54 PM

It sounds as though you won't be taking any advice. Stay with him and become his slave because that is what you are doing. You deserve each other, you carzy coots.

- shOrtie - 04-28-2013 06:05 PM

Sorry hun, I tried but it's too hard to read. Not enough punctuation and too long.

All I can say is if he's giving you so much trouble ater 5 months (guessing from the length of the question and the header), it's not worth the effort. If he doesn't trust you and keeps accusing youf of cheating, chances are he's cheating on you. He's very very controlling and I know you say you don't mind, but you should. Why should you cut off your friends because he's insecure?

The more familiar and comfortable people get in a relationship, the more relaxed they become and if the behaviour's bad already it will only get worse.

- E Scott - 04-28-2013 06:11 PM

He has trust issues and sounds controlling. It's his problem not yours. In a relationship you shouldn't feel that someone is keeping track of things... you should be able to do things off the grid- at the same time, he probably has trust issues for a reason... someone abandoned him, hurt him- so be reassuring but you need to put your foot down and not be controlled by it. Honestly it sounds all very unhealthy. It doesn't mean run away... it means maybe both of you could benefit from relationship therapy... read the book "stop walking on eggshells" sounds like he might have a personality disorder... and abusive tenancies. emotionally abuse is sometimes worse than physical abuse!