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How do I get comfortable with boys paying? - Printable Version

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How do I get comfortable with boys paying? - Shelly - 04-28-2013 07:39 PM

There's this guy at school and I e known him for two years and we dated once last year and once this year, and I'm dating him now. I really, really like him but I can't get him to spend any time with me. Our entire relationship is basically a hug in the hallway and a little peck on the lips at the end of the day. After school sometimes we talk on Facebook and he says he wants our relationship to be something more. That's confusing because he doesnt make the effort that I do to talk and hang out at school. I always try to talk to him but he answers me briefly and then goes back to what he's doing. Anyway I think it's time we go on a date. Maybe to just get lunch or something, but what if he wants to pay? I feel uneasy when people pay for me. Even when it's a friends mom or someone. Also ive never been on a date before so that part scares me to. Is there anything I should know about 1st dates, and can anyone say anything to make me feel comfortable about him paying? Thanks so much for your time!!

- Guy - 04-28-2013 07:44 PM

Let him pay. It will make him feel good and manly. This can only serve to make him more confident in his dealings with you. If you are not comfortable with this go on a free date. Like a walk or a school game.
Stop talking to him on facebook. If that becomes the main way you interact it will stay that way it is very hard to make a smooth transition from e world to real world. Go to his house ask him to go for a walk. Hold hands, kiss, talk and enjoy each other for real. Before you know it it will be true love.

- Vincent - 04-28-2013 07:50 PM

Let us not rush home after school let us go for a coffee. Arriving in the coffee bar you sit there and i will go fetch them, you can pay so it was your treat. He will want to do that again but on his terms.

Get used to being treated you are a girl and that is normal behaviour.

Just accept and say thanks.