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The shooter cop hates the NRA? What do I make of that? - Printable Version

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The shooter cop hates the NRA? What do I make of that? - Magic Bean - 04-28-2013 08:35 PM
He shoots up California but hates Wayne LaPierre for advocating for gun rights? Is it just me, or is that a little hypocritical? Or are there many Americans just like him, who hate other people so much that they twist their 'morals' to fit the situation?
Is it true? His manifesto is posted on numerous news and blog sites. If it's untrue, it's a massive conspiracy- i doubt it seriously.

- James - 04-28-2013 08:46 PM

If you are hearing it from a news source who knows if its even true.

- James - 04-28-2013 08:56 PM

I don't see how it is hypocritical. Someone killing someone else and at the same time not advocating for gun rights isn't hypocritical at all. In fact, it would be dumb if he didn't do that. Why would criminals want civilians to be able to retaliate?

- N - 04-28-2013 08:58 PM

I lot of people hate the NRA.

- Friendlyairport365 - 04-28-2013 09:03 PM

Bet he voted Obama and Brown too. He's one more reason why you should join the NRA. Can you just see it if he was a white civilian? The left would eat all of us alive smearing us with the blood he's shed. As it is??? They are VERY quiet right now. Proof enough he's a Democrat.

Yes, there are many Americans who twist their morals (what ones they have) in a knot. Look who sits in Congress for California. Look who's POTUS.

- Friendlyhope725 - 04-28-2013 09:05 PM

Has anyone seen Sadcat around here ever since this shooting spree started?

Does the writing style on his Facebook page sound a little like Sadcat?

- ivxoxvi - 04-28-2013 09:16 PM

He should hate the NRA--he's a violent criminal: Pro-gun laws and law-abiding gun-owners are his enemies.